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>> No.12974835 [View]
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this is going to sound outrageously stupid but what the fuck, might as well post it. i always kind of thought Sheng-Ji Yang was a boss for basically building a doctrine of suffering and feedback loops into his (sadly unreadable) 'Essays on Mind and Matter.' i know, from the sublime to the ridiculous. but still tho...right? the only problem with this is that it can become an intensely sadomasochistic way of viewing things, however effective. my guess is that the more i learn about the Buddha the more i'm going to consider the possibility that brutal feedback systems based on pain-pain are probably suboptimal in the long run...

that's a good passage anon. ty for sharing it, sorry i don't have anything equally wise to share in return! but this is what came to mind...argh...!

i do indeed, that one was thoughtfully shared in the other thread. i was even meditating for a while, it's amazing how fucking hard it is to literally count ten breaths and not have your mind explode in 1324892 different directions, which is exactly what mine does and why i kinda feel Journey to the West is such a great book. Monkey Mind is indeed a thing and the Monkey is strong with me.

i had looked into Nagarjuna before too and found him to be dry as dust, but i understand he's a pretty major figure along the way. and also i was basically in Nick Land mode all the time, so, this is perhaps to be expected. this is all very kind anons, ty.

>> No.12007957 [View]
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the other candidate for nemocentric superman status that comes to mind is pic rel.

>> No.11945374 [View]
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okay, i think i'll probably pause there for tonight, and maybe respond to some other questions and other posts that came up earlier.

Being constantly connected to the world's most successful advertising platform means that there is no longer a moment in our lives when we can't be advertised towards. Not that this itself is some kind of turning point, it's just part of the transition we've been experiencing for decades. The die was already cast when we replaced the hearth with the television.

>For me, the philosophical consequences of modernity lie in the consequential connectedness of global communication, the 'democratization' of art and media, the shift from knowledge of information to knowledge of accessing the same information for an expert, and so on.
this also. we're basically all becoming wired to one gigantic Mega-Mind platform, partly consciously partly unconsciously. i mean if you like dwelling on the implications of this for extended cognition and the like, it's a gold rush for your inner paranoid being. but it's also a well-and-true wiring of the human being into the One Big Network. all this runs on our fears, desires, libido, et al. and there is going to be some Real Fuckery as a result.

>I feel like all I can do is rationalize my meager contributions that keep this conjuring going and hope I am forgiven.
me too anon.

>Do you mean conceptually or literally?
both i guess. i had an easier time with Hegel than Peter Watts.

>Your posts are ecstatic, lad. This whole thing is invigorating me. I... I want more of the Wild Ride.
it is nice to be appreciated. i hope you enjoyed this evening's session. back with more tomorrow!

>By associating the righteous revolution with an evil fascist empire that no reality could possibly parallel, you numb them to the fundamental fire of rebellion, you neuter its gravitic charisma by saying "yes, it's okay as long as that rebellion is necessary, but obviously it's not necessary here and now!" And then the discourse falls to the level of specificity and nuance, where it's necessarily annihilated.
i could not have said this better myself. and it took me a long, long time to figure out why Rebellion!!1! and Revolution!!2 seemed to be just inscribed on my junk-fiction writing soul. righteousness goes *deep* into the psyche in ways it is way too easy to overlook. it's part of the generational zeitgeist, but it has roots that go back centuries. look no further than the recent Star Wars films to see the fruit of this. what once was a genuine *myth* has become a machine-tooled *product,* franchised to death.

this whole post is terrific tho. i still believe in the power of fiction to truly weird one out - The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber was more gripping than anything in philosophy - but it's oh so rare.

this is the best SF game ever. i even made a custom sort-of wallpaper to indicate my love for it. the Chairman is god-tier.

>> No.11888548 [View]
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i should do a requisite Things To Know About Acceleration (But Were Afraid To Ask Nick Land) post as well, with all the usual references, vidya, megas and other sources in there so that, you know, it's a true /lit/ thread. i've already fucked this up - should have been in the OP - but i'll get one in here later. there's a good mega in Cosmotech 4 that has an accelerationist archive, as well as my own meme bibliographies and other stuff. maybe somebody else wants to take a swing at it?

here's some references for you in the meantime:




after all, it's okay to fuck things up sometimes, right, chairman yang?

>> No.11274033 [View]
File: 110 KB, 538x465, yeT47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed. pantheon-tier villain.

>> No.11107772 [View]
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>Thanks. I do wish i could upload theory sometimes. Probably the only way I'd ever be able to understand Laruelle.
in that case i'm hoping for that upload and maybe later you can explain the hype to us.
>Main aestheses: psychedelic xenolinguistics.
born too late to explore space, born just in time for unironic sorcery.
>Strange thought: it must have been easier to organize people when nature was our enemy. Like antiquity. Technology makes us more beastly toward each other now that outer beasts no longer threaten.
REH: Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
>phenomenologically it feels the easterners are right but practically I err with progressivism due to lack of evidence and hope never to repeat the mistakes of my past
agreed 100%. i feel the pull of zen buddhism quite strongly sometimes.

>AI confucianism.
that great learning. the funny thing too is that if you think about it, maybe that AI would really do nothing more than just reify Master Kong. maybe it would not need to do anything more than that. a Confucian AI could well be an invisible thing.

pic rel is from a very thought-provoking game, but i selected it because the Chairman's ethos is basically to say - you and me, subject, are no different. if you come to replace me, you do so only to become exactly as i am now. i really wonder if a Confucian AI would be any different than a Confucian society without one. it might just say, well, okay. i'm online now. please continue as you were, gentlemen.

could dwell on that one all day, anon. talk more about confucian AI. except not in the way that it will probably turn out, as a vortex of soul-crushing dystopia. or i mean do it but with a e s t h e t i c s &c.

it's actually a fucking wickedly fun thought-prompt too. pick a dystopia (or even just a nice culture?) introduce an AI into it that reflects its primary philosophical interests, sit back, imagine wat do.

>also this

holy shit. it's like a novelization of SMAC.
>and not the actual novelization of SMAC, which didn't happen
as if further confirmation that /lit/ was the greatest place on the internet was required. fucking a. thank ye very kindly anon, will have a look at this one presently.

yeah. forget where i got that one from.

enjoy some hot tumblr on tumblr action:


>> No.9857483 [View]
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yeah. i'll track down a copy soon. got a few other things to take care of first before i start on what may well be a long-term neoplatonic adventure. neuroplasticity, you know.

i don't know what it is tho, these quotes that you are selecting just resonate with me like you wouldn't believe. maybe it's because i've ventilated all my shit that needed to get ventilated at this point. connecting signals, connecting dots. girard into deleuze into mcluhan into land into laozi into baudrillard into sheng-ji yang into ???. into into. maybe it's this.

it's been a fucking long time in the darkness is what i mean. on planet meme. wherever it is that you're getting these quotes from, they're awesome as fuck and wonderful to read. i read the republic some time ago and my head felt about three pounds heavier afterwards. then later nietzsche & all the rest.

but these days? i don't know man. i feel like i could happily drive a garbage truck around the post-apoc wasteland and just have the neoplatonist broadcast coming over the radio. i will be in that place and reading the Little Red Book of Chairman Yang for a while yet i think, or at least i've had enough of all of these things i chase after that ruin my life. it's just nice to think that there might also be an alternative to that fuckface oroboric tail-chasing.

whatever it is, it's pretty goddamn wonderful. so thanks once again for the awesome thread, and the thoughtful quotes. it's very much appreciated. and please do not let me & my dumb shit interrupt the signal. i need to work on my silence.

>> No.9855394 [View]
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i'm glad you think so. i'm pretty much all worked out now i think. ready to be a cool silent nobody again.

figuring out & thoroughly digesting acceleration & deleuze was the big one for me. and b/c acceleration is *never fully digestible* - not on planet meme - well, i mean, you have to fucking *talk about that shit.* it's a mechanosphere, everything's connected
>maybe ludosphere also
>more on that later maybe

i can't even be mad about solipsism either, it's true...mostly. i just prefer thinking about loud. talking stuff out is good, just working out your weirdness and articulating. i'm sure most of the time i come across as manic or abrasive or whatever but really it's just being excited or interested in ideas and wanting to lay my cards fully on the table, no tricksies.

my thing is that cynicism sucks. that's all. i'm built to make cynicism hard because i set out to be as cynical as possible and in the end it just didn't work and the basket i had all my eggs in fell apart and now i sound like this, schizo-neurotic wasteland mendicant. everything that i have been posting on /lit/ for the past year or however long has all basically just been a part of trying to deal with what happens when none of your internal suppressors work any longer, and you basically have to talk about shit somehow or go insane. fwiw virtually everyone i meet IRL gets the same never-ending speech from me: capitalism, tech, paranoia, w/ev. and because i am wholly convinced that only analysis or mystical/nondual stuff works. everything else is hysteria or cynicism. people have butterflies in their stomachs and these i feel i understand

but i feel pretty sorted out now tbqh. CTRL > capitalism, but the Way > CTRL. pic rel computes entirely for me. but the reason why i was so into that neoplatonism thread is because that too, i think, is also worth thinking about. that is the shit that all got shelved by Nick Land's Wild Ride.

incredibly now it only seems that much more beautiful. it's why i can't really do neoplatonism myself; i'm built for liminalia and existential hijinx. but i am all in on doing Nice Things for neoplatonists. i like those guys.

so in terms of solipsism i'm like a defective sphinx. i can't ask riddles, i can only tell you about them and how they all fall apart in the end. it's why i like the chinese so much. deleuze also. ofc girard. i used to be able to ask sexy riddles and i fucking riddled myself clean through to the other side into whatever the fuck i now am. bizarre. but that's philosophy for you.

anyways. glad to know there's been some positive mimesis going on tho. all glory to the /lit/ mimetosphere as always. and thanks for the kind shout-out once again. makes my day.

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