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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23442113 [View]
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>They will if you write women as sexual objects.
The most popular eroslop for women does literally exactly that.

>> No.22687925 [View]
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>Third person objective means that the narrator does not know the thoughts of any of the characters and thus can't communicate them to the reader or go off of them in any way.
I really hate being pigeonholed into one specific "narrator type". I like to play with arbitrarily limiting information available to the reader, but not too much, using the narrator while also letting them know what the fuck is up in the same manner.

Cheap? Yes. I'm a shit writer? Maybe. Could it be done better? I bet.
Does it just feel better knowing that I don't have to follow some restrictive gay ass scheme or formula of doing it "right"? Hell fucking yeah.

>> No.22188534 [View]
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I can right away tell you this is neither unpublishable nor awful. I'm not going to read all that because I'm picky and I don't really like stories based on or inspired by real shit, but from what I read, man, you're going to have a hard time publishing. You'd do better if you'd apply a little more finesse with the title, not a whole lot of publishers would sign up to release a book titled that.

If you're really intent on publishing it, go ahead, you'll manage. Change the title though, and keep pushing. Literal garbage was published and this isn't exactly garbage. Whoever sent it to simply had a moral outrage due to a tiny brain.

>> No.19148440 [View]
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>Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma
That fact that it took a pr*t to recommend this tells me everything I need to know about /lit/ "Catholics"

>> No.19142521 [View]
File: 36 KB, 645x773, kajow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to buy the Witcher books
>they all have the stupid Netflix thing on them and the box sets have the Netflix characters

>> No.19132245 [View]
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>he uses the corrupted (((KJV))) text that came over 200 years after the perfect preserved word of God in English, the Wycliffe Bible

>> No.17269325 [View]
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There's a baseline for these things, and obviously some short online test isn't accurate. Everyone does some of those things to a normal extend. I didn't know what was normal until after I was ensnared by a seriously mentally ill person, was able to reflect and compare him to the average of my other friends, and realize there are some seriously fucked up people in this world that can go unnoticed for long periods of time. All these "normie" types of manipulation are kindergarden after that experience, and not even remotely compareable because normal manipulative behaviors are a consequence of a normal type of self-interest. The mentally ill person has different reasons for manipulating in the first place.

>> No.17150979 [View]
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I used to like the Oxford comma, but now I'm starting to think it's reddit.

>> No.17027449 [View]
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>it's an anti-guenonfag thinks that everyone who disagrees with him is guenonfag episode
>it's an anti-guenonfag is the first one to bring up guenonfag and the associated autism, but then blames others for derailing the thread episode

>> No.16998985 [View]
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>Yes I haven't read Friedman, what's your point?

>> No.16991469 [View]
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>How dare you, of course I can be a modern materialist atheist and care deeply about morality!
>Why is what's good good and what's bad bad, you ask? W-well, b-because... I-it makes p-people happy... I-if you need a skyfather to tell you why rape is bad, th-then you must be bad!!

>> No.16815251 [View]
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What do you mean by 'scientist'? You're the one asking for evidence that things exist, not me. If we go by methodology it would seem like I'm the philosopher here. Why do you presume you need evidence for your beliefs?

>> No.16744559 [View]
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Why is the christian tradition so philosophically weak? Literally every eastern tradition has some form of original philosphy attached to it, all christians have is material stolen from Aristotle.

>> No.16740964 [View]
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Which publishing house will take my 2,000 page novel about a schizopathic shitposter?

>> No.16739833 [View]
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>> No.16709448 [View]
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>>This board’s obsession with just arbitrary numbers, data, statistics
>Obsessively hoards twenty-six thousand (26,000) books

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