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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.13844032 [View]
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I read Doors of Perception and I found Huxley's scattergun blend of esoterism and spiritual reading mixed with the trip report pretty interesting, despite my scepticism.

I strongly dislike McKenna's obnoxious fanboys, and I dislike his love of bullshit and pseudointellectual sweet nothings that his fanboys take for gospel, but I thought True Hallucinations sounded intriguing and I might pick it up. Thoughts?

Also what are some other recommendations?

>> No.13045519 [View]
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Fuck yeah anon, I'm write(lel) there with you. Being dedicated to an art, especially one as important as the written word, is the dopest shit. Keep letting that fire in your belly fuel your passion and bang out that magnum opus.

Memery aside I really like these threads. It's awesome to see what everyone is working on and to see that there's so many passionate writers on /lit/. I hope these become a regular thing, and I'll be sure to do my part to keep them alive and active.
I read this last night but fell asleep before I remembered to respond to you. It's something, that's for sure. I enjoyed reading it, though it is a little rough around the edges, especially the part with the sheriff. More description of the struggle over the gun is needed, and you missed out on the chance to make the killings visceral. You build up to it for the entire story and then it's kind of anticlimactic when it's over and done with so quickly. I know the focus is on him killing his son, but the dialogue is clearly driving him towards killing his wife, so more time should be spent on it. The part where the son uses rocks to spark gasoline was a little wacky as well, give him a lighter or something. Hell you could even tack in some dialogue about how the son keeps stealing shit and hiding it early on, and describe the lighter. Old timers tend to have an attachment to their Zippos, so it could be another focal point for his rage.

All in all though it entertained me and the flow was very nice overall. Just needs some editing and a few tweaks and it'll be golden.

>> No.13003993 [View]
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I'm a metamodern archeofuturist Azusabro.

Also, my phone is dead and I don't know where my charger is, so this is from my desktop.

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