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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.9778590 [View]
File: 60 KB, 1200x1081, lennythinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what the fuck does intersectional mean
okay so i looked it up. it literally means systems of oppression, which is what i assumed. people using it as a first term for self-identification is fucking retarded. if i wasn't /pol/-tier before i'll be there in a few years at this rate.

>> No.9771441 [View]
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Thoughts on audiobooks /lit/

>> No.9743219 [View]
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Literally my second poem lads, go easy. Not sure if it's poetry really, just rambling.

For myself
How much? Where will
I stop?
Where will someone else?

Drink wine and screw.
Is the sting worth the
Expense. I wish it so,
So why bother?
Where will fantasy meet
Must one take a precedence
Over the other?
Why do these questions
Should not truth flow,
As all appear within the
Will vices and indulgences
Can the answers flow with
The Wine?
The Wine.
What Wine?
That of fantasy, sweet,
Easy, a cure
Or that of the expected

Will experience deliver
My answers
Or someone else's

Can calculation truly
Aid in such matters,
Should it be utilised

If not, are we thrown
Helpless and disconnected
By frightful distance
Fated to descend until
The pit's depth
Greets the unsure mind

If yes though, where
Should the limits be placed,
Else the romantic die.

Should I then follow
The fantasy
Irrelevant be it's falsehood
Should anyone

Drink wine and screw.

>> No.8040632 [View]
File: 60 KB, 1200x1081, 1445005141266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a scale of 1 to 10, how gay is this?

Come on, friends
Part the clouds that surround me;
Raise me, please
Awaken me from the sleepless nights;
Share my interests
My wants, my moods
Take my desire
For you all
Perfect friends
And toil with me
Toil with me
Together, we won't
Let's go together
Together, we'll fall towards a blissful abyss
Maybe there is a floor;
Maybe we will forget
The clouds and the sky.

This is literally my first attempt at poetry, so, any advice or constructive criticism is welcome. I'm not certain I used all the semi-colons correctly, or if I used enough.
Also, how important do you think rhyming is? Obviously it isn't necessary, but should I be making an effort to rhyme? Do you feel there's any reason for it other than rhythm?

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