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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22450481 [View]
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im a post-leftist which just means leftist is better than both liberalism and conserviatism, but even leftism is a front and defense mechanism by the capitalist system (just like the other two) and we have to go BEYOND even leftism in a further left direction, into the unknown better beyond

>> No.22407865 [View]
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Bloom really respected many minority authors, he talks about them in the one book of his I've read (The American Religion), mentioning some black female authors from the late 20th century (book is from the 1990s) in the context of his criticism of the "school of resentment." Bloom is nowhere comparable to /lit/ chuds. He's actually very very willing to give minority literature a chance. His problem is that some of that work is just not good. Some of it is great, it CAN be as great as anything, but merely filling in the slots in the canon with minority representation without quality checks isn't the way to go. That's all he was pointing out. That, and the attempts to remove parts of the western canon because those parts have their moral imperfections. Frankly I think he's got a point, but Bloom was much better than the /lit/ chuds who just want to co-opt him into their shitty manichean culture wars. He championed lesser known figures that nobody else took seriously, again to mention from The American Religion, the best example is his immense praise for Joseph Smith. He ranks him up there with Emerson, Whitman, and William James as one of the most creative genius spirits of American history. It proves Bloom was always an inclusivist, but the argument has to be made on genuine aesthetic or artistic critical basis for adding someone. You can't just do it for sake of representation alone, and you're not licensed to take other people out as some kind of payback for their moral imperfections. Anywya, a proper leftist analysis of the current state of "the left" itself (from left-libs to demsocs and socdems and left-anarchists and Marxists of all stripes, Trostskyists, MLs, Maoists, LeftComs, etc) will show that they're all endorsing essentialist presuppositions of the old classical liberal mindset, as well as the logic of capitalism, and that's sad, which is why the best leftists now are leftists+ or post-leftists so to speak, they're more left than the left because the current left is too on the right together with the liberals and conservatives. Point being, you shouldn't do this "representational inclusivity" crap except, to use a phrase from better leftists, for strategic essentialist reasons. But most of these lesser leftists do it for naively essentialist reasons, with manichean inversion, aka they are just their enemies (white cis male heteronormative oppressors) but inverted, so they can come on top as the revenge-oppressors. It's fundamentally essentialist, it's fundamentally born of capitalist logic too. And if you're a good leftist, you'd know Marx's point about how the base determines the superstructure was meant to have this effect, modern leftism is really just another front of the capitalist superorganism that it uses to control individuals and prevent them from genuinely eliminating it, its other two fronts being conservatism and liberalism.

>> No.22236611 [View]
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Only the first of the four shelves is based since it's actually Marx/Engels, the rest are kinda cringe if you actually subscribe to Leninist, Stalinist, or Maoist crap. If that wasn't already bad, you have fucking Shining Path works in there. Those fuckers almost caused my non-existence before my birth, yet my family is and has always been lower working class. They are enemies of the working class.

>> No.17678579 [View]
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He's practically running a cult. His people will try to convert you to his gospel of wealth because they're running a multi-level marketing (pyramid) scheme and they depend on having you under them to make more money. It's kind of fucked. He's right about some things (as far as capitalism makes them right...) so the only thing I'll say is that he's done that much right. Namely, he points out that a wage worker, a self-employed professional, a company stock owner, and someone who owns assets (like landed property) all differ because of the way income is generated there. He's right, and it's sad most people don't know the basic differences with those four. Only leftists like Marxists tend to, other than that it's business majors perhaps. Having that knowledge either makes you angrier at capitalist inequalities, or helps you realize how easy it is to game the system to make the most cash.

>> No.17243105 [View]
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He's using the metaphysics/dialectics distinction that dialectical materialists use since Engels. Engels means something specific by 'metaphysics,' he doesn't oppose objective reality.

>> No.16129727 [View]
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Read Huckleberry Finn, then The Great Gatsby, then Catcher in the Rye, then listen to The Lonesome Crowded West, and you'll understand that the American experience is to feel isolated in a gilded but vapid world.

>> No.16066666 [View]
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