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>> No.19520645 [View]
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Israel is just America's spoiled son and the Republican and Democratic parties play the role of mother and stepfather. You know that a mother will prevent a stepfather from punishing "her" son and will even encourage the son to act out and cause a big mess as a way of punishing the stepfather. Israel acting crazy earlier this year right after Biden got elected was a typical example of this dysfunctional relationship. Israel bombing that AP building in Gaza was like the son picking up a vase and smashing it in front of the stepfather who's powerless to do anything about it because the mother won't let him -- so it's a very shameful situation for the United States.

Here's Engels on Carlyle btw

>This is the condition of England, according to Carlyle. An idle landowning aristocracy which “have not yet learned even to sit still and do no mischief", a working aristocracy submerged in Mammonism, who, when they ought to be collectively the leaders of labour, “captains of industry", are just a gang of industrial buccaneers and pirates. A Parliament elected by bribery, a philosophy of simply looking on, of doing nothing, of laissezfaire, a wornout, crumbling religion, a total disappearance of all general human interests, a universal despair of truth and humanity, and in consequence a universal isolation of men in their own “brute individuality", a chaotic, savage confusion of all aspects of life, a war of all against all, a general death of the spirit, a dearth of “soul", that is, of truly human consciousness: a disproportionately strong working class, in intolerable oppression and wretchedness, in furious discontent and rebellion against the old social order, and hence a threatening, irresistibly advancing democracy – everywhere chaos, disorder, anarchy, dissolution of the old ties of society, everywhere intellectual insipidity, frivolity, and debility. – That is the condition of England. Thus far, if we discount a few expressions that have derived from Carlyle’s particular standpoint, we must allow the truth of all he says. He, alone of the “respectable” class, has kept his eyes open at least towards the facts, he has at least correctly apprehended the immediate present, and that is indeed a very great deal for an “educated” Englishman.

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