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So I picked up We Are Legion by Dennis Taylor. The novel sounded like a fun little distraction.
Boy was I wrong. A couple of chapters in and the author decides to go all basedboy on me.

"He settled himself more comfortably in his chair and assumed that far-off expression people get when they’re lecturing. “In 2036, the USA elected an over-the-top, unapologetic fundamentalist president named Andrew Handel. Yes, that Handel. During his term, he tried to ban election of non-Christians to any public post, and tried to remove the constitutional separation between church and state. He was nominated, supported, and elected based on his religious views, rather than on his political or fiscal expertise. And of course, he appointed persons of similar persuasion to every post he could manage, in some cases blatantly ignoring laws and procedures. He and his cronies rammed through far-right policies with no thought for consequences. In a number of cases, when challenged on the results, he declared that God would not allow their just cause to fail. He eventually brought the USA to its knees in an economic collapse that made the 2008 recession look like a picnic in the park.”
Dr. Landers tapped his tablet absent-mindedly. It was obvious to me that he knew the whole spiel by rote.
“In the next election, the public voted in the USA’s first—and only—overtly atheist president, Desmond Ahearn, mostly in reaction to the Handel travesty. Needless to say, the religious right went ballistic. In 2041, they staged a successful coup. And thus was born the Free American Independent Theocratic Hegemony.”"

This is beyond disrespectful.
Disrespectful to the art because anyone who gave a damn about the quality of his writing would not write current year topical garbage.
Disrespectful to the reader because who wants to read the current year topical garbage about the Orange Man and what a meanie he is (doubly so if the reader is non-American as I am).
Disrespectful to any faithful because the big bad is naturally a Christian theocracy (of course it could not have been a Jewish theocracy, perish the though).

I would have powered on but I learned my lesson with The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet.
What a joyless waste of time that was.

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