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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.6157538 [View]
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Boris Pasternak (1890-1960) - Tolstoy was a family friend, he was inspired to study music after he met and spent time with Alexander Scriabin, he studied philosophy in Germany after he decided he wasn't talented at music then he decided to be a poet.

He openly disagreed with Stalin at a few instances and many of the others that disagreed were killed but Stalin spared him by saying "Do not touch this cloud dweller"

He won the Nobel Prize of 1958, and he said that when he wrote Doctor Zhivago he had in mind to write it as a mix between The Brothers Karamazov and Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre

>> No.6144381 [View]
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>denied creativity
citation needed

>denied rebelliousness
>implying that's bad

>> No.6116184 [View]
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Sum up a philosophical movement in a sentence or less.

>Postmodernism is what we are going to do at the end of the road

>> No.6085395 [View]
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write why or don't write at all, namedropping is bullshit

Suttree is my favorite. The first time I read it was in 11th grade and I didn't really understand it but I knew it was like no other book I had read. I had read the Road before Suttree so I knew McCarthy's pace which I liked, character driven and grey.

He has some of the most inventive prose I have read, I like the "big" words he uses they sound nice and he has a very particular eye for psychology that I appreciate immensely.

Are there any other books like Suttree as far as a slice of life novel with hundreds of vignettes that focuses on psychology?

20,000 leagues under the sky and the Tenants of Moonbloom seem like this and Ulysses us certainly like this, but any others(also confirm if the two I mentioned are in deed similar because I lack the funds and time to read them).

free music: http://youtu.be/OTHKH-Fy5No

>> No.5184539 [View]
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boris pasternak was nice
charles mccarthy too
john keats
all my favorite writers too, that's interesting

>> No.5110734 [View]
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i read because there is a shadow of tree leaves on my wall

>> No.5064329 [View]
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well, if you could sum up a novel totally into a (short) comment then why would you write the novel? This applies to a symphony, painting etc. You can comment on sections of it which is what, I think, criticism/analysis ends up being. Any comment on the whole would be lacking or at least different(translations).

It just so happens my individual intuition lines up with a few geniuses from whiles ago.

Whether or not they are geniuses, I guess, depends on how empathetic you are.

Then again, I may be wrong.

>> No.5060372 [View]
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i see what has happened
also your examples are ineffective, I understood you without them and even if I didn't they would be more work(to comprehend) than your original statement

>> No.5042538 [View]
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>Cashier, will be in school shortly
>Suttree (Maybe Malte)
>Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge, The Crossing, Doctor Zhivago

>> No.5024943 [View]
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where can one find good contemporary authors not popular for some bullshit political reason but because their books are actually "good". The most recent author I read is McCarthy and I'll buy "The Passenger" when it comes out.

The counselor was a great film, btw.

>> No.4991597 [View]
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