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>> No.17857471 [View]
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I need anonymous advice. I wasn't gonna write about this, but it comes to a point where anonymous advice would be good.

Twelve years ago (I think) me and a friend got really drunk and kind of roamed the area around where we lived. I would have been 18. I suppose we were experimenting with rebellion: we broke a window on a country store, did some other weird shit. the major thing was that we kinda strolled into an area where a circus kept their equipment. Nothing was locked, there was no gate, we just strolled in. What I remember concretely was that we found their kitchen-wagon, ate some shit. I remember there was a stove/oven-unit, and I pissed in the oven. that's one strike of vandalism against me, I can't imagine it was usable after that. I remember somewhere in there I found a spray-can, and we found the wagons that they use more closely to the circus-work, the ones painted all bright and nice. I remember I graffitied one of the big broad-sides on one wagon. That's strike 2. Now it's possible I did more shit, but I don't remember.

Now I've been meaning to try to set this right. I'm responsible for damages of at least 500€, I'm sure, but it could be more because there could be an opportunities-cost if their wagon being fucked messed up future gigs for them. I don't really know what it costs to clean/repaint a circus-wagon, so I don't know the cost, and this is just what I remember. I've looked up which circus it was and I can get ahold of them.

The crux is that I don't want to out the other guy. We aren't in touch anymore, but I figure it's his business if he wants to settle his debt or not, it's not for me to decide. So one idea would be to say I was alone. On the other hand I have no memory of what he did, and I don't want to pay for his fuckery. I have this vague idea of a memory that maybe he took a shit somewhere he shouldn't have, and I don't want that on my record.

I think they stopped with the circus-work and branched out into other stuff, there's like a big mother-production-company. One idea would be to try and find a local school, be really honest with them and say exactly what I'm doing and why, and offer to sponsor a field trip of theirs to the circus. This way the circus gets compensation, the kids get a day. I don't really know if a school would react positively to this though, it's kind of an odd thing, and it sort of wouldn't settle my debt since the circus-people wouldn't get their satisfaction. The other ideas are simply to pay it off with interest or to work for free for them, if they accept this as compensation. I hope they don't bring in the law, but I reckon they could as I will be admitting to a crime. I've basically decided that I will have to do something about this, so if you think I'm being an idiot about it then that's what I'm gonna be. We'll see, but that is my intention.

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