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>> No.16136817 [View]
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>Nietzsche attacks philosophy for its creation of the world in its own image
>attacks Stoicism for creating nature in its own image
Nietzsche was a weak faggot who was scared to go outside. He cried because a horse got hurt. A fucking bug people relation to nature. A total larper who didn't understand anything he was talking about.
And you're a fucking retarded redditor.

>> No.16014145 [View]
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It's just because the ego is extremely suppressed in their culture. They generally take things for what they are. Meanwhile, with a big ego comes the incentive of trying to constantly feed it, and all the different ways of doing so create a very interesting society, which, observed as a bigger picture, opens a lot of questions about existentialism and the place of man in society. Seeking knowledge in a way is still feeding one's ego. I think the japs have it pretty good actually.

>> No.14824298 [View]
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>>it's raining out

>> No.14207710 [View]
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At least post the good one

Is there any more bullshit story than this? I live in the middle of nowhere so I get to see animals out almost daily. But when do I definitely not see them? In the middle of a storm. You know what they do? The bald eagles are over the river at dusk before the storm getting a nice feast into them, then they sleep out the storm. Three days later they get up at dawn and go fishing again.
Just like the coyotes are nice and cuddled up in their den after killing a deer and celebrating like monkeys.
Fucking bears graze the blueberries and wild cherries for most of the day in the fall. A fucking natural harvest without having to plant a thing. Then they sleep for 4 or 5 months. It's like the Land of fucking Cockaigne.
But no
Fuck off. It's only you insufferable stupid cunts who are like this.
If I see someone out in the pouring rain it is some autistic retard boomer who just has to get things done. Humans trudge through the mud and muck because they're insufferable parasites who just want to drag others down with them.
No, you're not going to drop that bread in the mucky forest path because of some greater path to Virtue and Good, you are not a sacrifice to pain and the rightful turning of the world, you are just such a selfish unthinking cunt that you wanted to get stuck in the mud so that all your family and neighbours would go out and get fucked too.
An owl is going to swoop down from a tree, steal the bread, and go back to sleeping in its shelter after a good free snack. Meanwhile all your neighbours are going to get the mud flu ad spread it to surrounding villages because of your inconsiderate ass.

>Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Dying In The Rain Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Step Under The Eaves Like Nigga You Can Survive Three Days Without Water And God Is Giving You A Golden Shower Haha

But no, we'll build a goddamn worldwide fucking floating parking lot and snort animal dung for eternity because of a little bit of fucking rain. You autistic fucking niggers.

Life isn't that hard. Noah was a fucking warning not a moral law to relieve you of your stupidity. Prepare your shit. Have a stock of food. Take a sip and then a nap if it's raining. The animals can take care of themselves. Fucking take a shower. Your penis washes itself if you stand in the windy rain.

But no we'll just piss into the dry wind until there is no rain that hasn't been tainted.

Fucking retards.

>> No.13550307 [View]
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