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>> No.12012562 [View]
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>Disregarding the actual state of Japan, the beauty behind a lot of Japanese media is it is life affirming, earnest, idealistic and believes in hope and beauty in the face of tragedy, insurmountable odds and mortality.
this, to the twenty billionth degree. with some extra degrees stacked on too. wabi-sabi aesthetics are the greatest things in the entire universe, they are imho the Endgame of aesthetics and philosophy. "Find a Flaw," - right? *the point is the flaws.* and kintsukuroi, when you really think about what it means, gives me the feels, every time. that which is *broken* and *busted* and *fucked up* - right? right?

of *all of the goddamn countries on earth to get atom-bombed* - the Japanese. the fucking Japanese. George Martin could not have written anything to fuck with you like this.

>All of these are timeless qualities.
that. *especially* this. it is not time but the time*less* that should really get your noggin' joggin, after all. that which is perfect and deathless is not the beautiful...

i have read a bunch of books on Japanese aesthetics, here's a minor list of the ones i really liked.

-- Inouye, Evanescence and Form
-- Richie, A Tractate on Japanese Aesthetics
-- Tanizaki, In Praise of Shadows
-- Juniper, Wabi Sabi

and i mean to go and read The Book of Tea again soon, b/c Heidegger. and some other stuff on Japanese philosophy, the Kyoto school et al...but their aesthetic sensibilities just absolutely blow me away. as they do *everyone.* ugh. i'm such a fucking dope but yeah. this.

>Cynicism is a losing strategy for survival.
it is! it so is! and yet, ofc, it's so obvious *why* people would feel this way, esp when you have to wrestle with the 20C. i never intended to spend this much time thinking about it, i just kind of assumed everything was okay, everybody had already figured it out, and it was something about me, i was wrong. and in a way, that's true, i guess. but it's also just really complicated.

>Without meaning we can't have sentimentality and vice versa?
i don't think so, no. Coldness is Land's god. but i'm not wired the same way, and neither is YH.

>Something has to be affirmed earnestly and organically that is uniting or else we're done for.
that's it. i'm trying to fumble my way towards that, in a sense, and the paranoia and the hyperstition is all part of it. but if it doesn't end on that kind of note, then there's no point at all. aesthetics can fuck you up, but *they fucking should* sometimes. so that you don't live your whole live as a walking shitpost
>like you girardfag
>kek and you're stuck in here with me inner self. haha. forever

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