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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.18056601 [View]
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how come the idea of a young male neet protagonist in the digital age seems so cliché and generic nowadays yet there's hardly any related work to point to besides some anime shows?

>> No.18029500 [View]
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>> No.17921009 [View]
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I just moved into my dorm and I fucking hate everything already. Dad won't stop annoying the fuck out of me. I don't even have a blanket or a cushion and I can't buy either rn because muh corona. I feel lonely af.
fuck this shit fuck this world fuck my life this isn't how I imagined my first day fuck fuck fuck FUCK

>> No.17891299 [View]
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bros, I'm kinda anxious of becoming old. I'm 21 and I haven't had any great "liberating" youthful experiences like you see in coming-of-age dramas. The last 3 years were a mixture of boredom, seasonal depression and anxiety. I don't wanna grow old like that. I wanna enjoy being young as long as I can.
I'm moving out for college in a few days and hopefully make a few actual friends there. A gf would be nice too. This covid shit isn't exactly helping my case though.

>> No.17861344 [View]
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I have not actually read a book where I was like "That's literally me". Maybe you guys can help me find one

>21 years old philosophy major
>no friends, never had a gf
>misses best friend from childhood dearly
>arabic descent but western upbringing
>marxist pessimist
>communicative issues
>overthinks a lot
>obsesses over failures
>wants to meet people and live extroverted life but is incapable/too anxious
>mama's boy
>not religious but admires spiritual and artistic aspects of religion
>wants to be a writer, director or artist in the future

>> No.17504413 [View]
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>admire long, beautiful prose of dead writers
>tfw my prose is blunt, autistically specific, and has to be edited with a thesaurus to prevent word redundancy

>> No.17402702 [View]
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I spent 400€ in crypto just because I hope to have a few thousand in 3 years when I've graduated from uni. I don't actually care about any of that stuff or the community, I just want to have some sort of backup when shit hits the fan.
I thought I wouldn't be so obsessed with this whole thing but it turns out that I just can't stop checking my wallet and /biz/. This is like a fucking addiction bros. I hate it.
I should go back to reading.

>> No.17342097 [View]
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>I am genuinely happy just wiping kitty asses because I like helping them.
>kek I'm even relearning math using grade school workbooks to prepare for the measurement stuff concerning pharmacology.
I always feel some mixture of seethe, jealousy, and despair when I see happy brainlets.

>> No.16838069 [View]
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I do it like this
>get excited about an idea
>write like a madman for a few hours
>finish a segment of some kind
>the high fades
>never touch it ever again
Been doing this for 13 years now...

>> No.15977509 [View]
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Where have all the losers gone? The socially-awkward misfits, the freaks, the manchildren, the genetic dead-ends -- all of them, where are they? I wish I knew. Maybe I'd finally have some company.
Well, they're certainly not on 4chan, that's for sure. You'd think that this place's culture, having been shaped by that kind of people, would still retain at least some homeopathic trace of their presence, but that's not the case. It's all about being cool and attractive and all the nonsense high-school politics you'd expect to be absent from a place like this. Even /r9k/, for Christ's sake, is just yet another place for your average normalfag to spew tales of his average sexploits.
So then, once again, where have all the losers gone? Well, as much as they're not on 4chan, they're even less so on Twitter, or Reddit, or Instagram, or Facebook. It seems as if, one day, every single loser on the Internet was simply whisked out of existence. What actually happened? At first, it may seem that it's simply become much easier for losers to become unlosers. Nerdy hobbies like video games, anime, and capeshit have become cool now; the situation's changed since you'd get beaten up for liking comic books. But this doesn't jibe with statistics that show vastly rising male sexlessness, mental health issues, and social isolation.
A second hypothesis is needed, then: that the losers never actually left. They're still there, just invisible. Thanks to the centralization of the web, it's become near-impossible for small, independent communities to develop. So losers use the same big websites as everyone else with access to a phone, but their voices are swamped by those of the normalfag majority. They can't find each other, since the signal-to-noise ratio is too low. But on top of that, because they're all surrounded by normalfags, in order to fit in, the losers will adopt normalfag behaviors. They'll go after other losers the hardest to gain status. They'll pretend that they're not losers. And thus, the losers feel even more alienated.
I'm lonely. I'm a loser. There, I said it. I'd imagine, though, that the other losers out there -- wherever they may be -- also feel lonely. If you're one of them, let me tell you: I feel you. But what is there to be done? It's difficult to say. Sure, you could try starting a new loser-only community, but as mentioned before, it'll never gain traction, and besides, websites oriented around being a loser aren't too fun. Wizchan certainly isn't the ideal solution. At this point, it looks like the only option for us losers is to hope that we run into one another, by chance, by fate, somewhere among the posts on these big websites that left people like us behind.

>> No.13499609 [View]
File: 163 KB, 1280x960, why yes, I have been watching Kaiji, how could you tell?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every work is ripe for analysis

>> No.11446921 [View]
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I can't stop buying video games yet i don't have the funds to spend on them so wildly
I've been buying them pre owned to save money but i'm still losing cash fast. I need help man
Also i need to start reading non-fiction, been reading fiction for too long

>> No.10751350 [View]
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I hate my communication class. All he does is complain about trump and the government and it just becomes tiresome

>> No.10255861 [View]
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>> No.8671554 [View]
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Australia is a fucking joke, I thought at least we would be equal to the burgers on this but they've got some decent shit.

Not retarded tier
>Death of a salesman
>Animal Farm

Everything else was complete trash. There were 5 or 6 books which read like the halfarsed creative writing pieces we would submit which were only included because they were Australian. The worst bit was having to listen to spastics struggling to read them aloud because they wouldn't read them at home, eventually my teacher just made me read everything out for the whole year. Also seeing the volume for everyone else is surprising, even though most of the books could be thouroughly understood by a 10 year old, we still manage to read about half as much as eberyone else.

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