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>> No.22269773 [View]
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the ongoing male psychosis over them losing their place in society is hilarious.
stop being niggers and admit that we, men, no longer have supremacy in any meaningful way.
yeah, we're physical stronger. and? how will having muscles assist me in doing excel spreadsheets on my DELL computer?
you faggots won't even admit that before agriculture we lived in matriarchal societies as hunter-gatherers. this isn't new.
the whole agricultural system of society that we've been using for the past 12,000 years has been nothing more than insane revenge against the more photogenic, levelheaded, wise sex for their domination for hundreds of thousands of year. basically, you're all a bunch of nigger slaves coping. resentement. didn't nietszche, our prophet, talk to us about this? but even prophets are infaliable.
the ironic thing is that all the nigger retard misogynists droning on about how women only think about X and Y simply parody the words of femcels.
I stopped believing in incel logic after visiting the site that shall not be named (it's a cafe, prefaced by a period, prefaced by a word rhyming with pistol) and realising how you retards sound. observing the femcel in her natural habitat was fascinating and opened my mind.
I'm not even going to predicate by beliefs on having sex because i'm not a retarded nigger like the many women defenders (even if they are in good faith).
just stop being niggers and save the white race.

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