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>> No.22535008 [View]
File: 8 KB, 193x293, mahl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's rubber stamp the partition of Europe obsessively pursued by our idiot English cousins to the sole benefit of international communism by blowing our geostrategic wad nuking a prostrate enemy that has been suing for a reasonable conditional peace for over a fucking year

FDR's administration was absolutely infested by Russian assets to the point of concocting war prolonging policies. The Manhattan Project being compromised was the crown jewel, along with the probable (at least attempted) transfer of nuclear plans and material by Hopkins & White to Vladviostok.

>> No.22284826 [View]
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>What books can I get my gf to read

>in order to "redpill" her? I'd place her as an establishment Democrat
The Soviet Defector literature and memoirs like apostate 5th column faggots like Whitaker Chambers; other shit like how endemic Soviet espionage was by time of WW2 to the extent of infiltrating the Manhattan-fucking-Project itself. Won't make any difference without that context, or ComBlock occupying a super majority of narcotics traffic prior to the 'war on drugs' in the 80s, or Kissinger yeeting tech & capital to Red China with Bi-National Foundations. That said you'd be better off not trying at all and reminding her regularly that that's the party of KKK, FDR's Jap concentration camps ect. ect. pic totally unrel to GCHQ UK 'election fortification' gambits on Silent & Greatest Generations

>> No.22241065 [View]
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Perfidious Albion schizo posting (while warranted) is a Webster Tarpley grade shitlib cope to side step ubiquitous Soviet spying and active measures, even to this day. Pic possibly rel

>> No.21662568 [View]
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Wendel Wilkie was installed by British interference in Republican primary to garantee FDR's final term. What a terrible astroturf choice. picrel.

>> No.20226300 [View]
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>also love is not banal retard
What passes for it out of the mouths of the animal masses is

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