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>> No.22610371 [View]
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All of my family and friends as essentially dead. They dont want to hear a single story about my travels around the world, military, intel, anything. 9+ times around the world, dont know dont care. (This isnt all of them.)

Zero. They dont care and dont want to talk about it....any of it. Its fucking alienating how detached from me they became because I wanted to do something with my life. They act like the people in this thread...."Nuh uh, no way dude."

Mom put granny in an old folks home so she could travel to Thailand for a month, her husband got back surgery he didnt need and is "disabled" now, a 60 something year old man that needs a caretaker so Granny gotta go.

Dad defends it, acting like a woman over the drama, same shit from him.

Brother is a reddit tier "wew lad" memer that kisses his boys on the lips and treats them like girls.

All my friends are junkies that listen to the TV over anyone else, "F Trump that dude is a racist" type shit.

Theyre all gone...products of the Matrix.

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