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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.19738133 [View]
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I graduated from community college as an RN in the middle of the pandemic. My professor loved me I think because I was the only guy in our class. She had this job lined up just for me straight out of college. After graduation I blocked her and all my classmates and have been living as a neet for a year now. I haven't practiced nursing since graduating and passing my state exams. Right now I'm making okay income selling shit on etsy. Enough to pay my rent, bills, and buy groceries. I don't know if I'm ever going to go back

>> No.17550084 [View]
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I was thinking about that today.
I don't think that the internet has any direct effect on the increase of suicide rates, but besides that, I agree with you. I think that the real reason for such high suicide rates the lack of meaning (since religion, traditions, and rites are disappearing), the increase in divorces, excesive work stress and atimization.
>the problem is never tool, but what are them used for
Giving the population free access to the internet was a mistake. It should be heavily regulated.
I hope you are right. I will be joining a local political movement soon, to atleast try to do something about it.

Sorry if I write like shit, I'm sleepy.

>> No.16440201 [View]
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I don't know how deep your feelings for someone you sexually pursue should be. I'm 20, I find most girls my age attractive. A couple actively start conversations with me, so I guess they're interested. They're basically pleasant, I find them physically attractive, but I don't really feel anything romantic for either of them.
I'm a sperg with no social life, and I can't really gauge what level of attraction it's appropriate and moral to act on. In my animu people are in love before becoming a couple.

>> No.15133571 [View]
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>i might have an edge to be normal looking and have experienced sex, love and affection in my youth to realise that the high aint sustainable like everything and i feel better on celibacy and semen retention
Imagine that you grew up without those formative experiences. Every day you then spent without sex (or love) wouldn't be a step on your path to spiritual enlightenment, but proof of your incompatibility with the world and your failure as a man. If you're a guy who's never had sex and never fallen in love, then no matter how hard you try to convince yourself "maybe it's all for the best", every time you see someone mocked for being a loser virgin, be it on the internet, in media, or in real life, you'll have to confront the fact that you are not undertaking a journey of self-restraint, but a loser helpless before fate. The key part of Shakyamuni's story is that he voluntarily chose to cast off worldly desires and seek enlightenment. We don't call famine victims sages.
>so you cant actually blame them? how can one help them then?
The key is this: I'd wager that a very good amount of self-proclaimed incels are far from hopeless. The horrible beauty of that community is that it provides its members with a million ready-made excuses to avoid facing the knowledge that change is possible, if not difficult. I'm speaking from personal experience here, as embarrassing as it is to admit. If you're not white, it's over. If you're too short, it's over. If you have narrow shoulders, it's over. Even if you meet all the other standards, you can always say that your face is subpar and absolve yourself of any responsibility that way.
But there are some people out there who are simply far too ugly to ever obtain sex, let alone meaningful romantic relationships. I've met a good few in real life; their physiognomy tells their story the instant you meet them. Ironically, many of these people abhor the incel community. I suppose that it's their final coping mechanism: "no matter how low I am on the totem pole, I at least have the moral character to avoid the tarpit of incel self-identification". And for these people, coping is the only option. Losing sight of your problems by devoting yourself to your hobbies, your platonic relationships, your own attempts at spiritual growth (as you suggested). But always looms a specter that whispers in your ear: "You have missed out and you are missing out."
So then, what about the others, the salvageable ones? Regardless of whether their goal is to live a life of romantic fulfillment as an end in and of itself or as a means to spiritual fulfillment, the path before them is difficult. Even if their problem isn't their looks, but factors within their control like their (lack of) confidence or (lack of) charisma, said factors can't be changed easily. It takes countless failures, heaps of shame, and ages of work. (1/2)

>> No.15035115 [View]
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The narrator is the cuckest and most boring character ever, only surpassed by Albertine, the idealized manic pixie lesbian. Fuck everything.

>> No.15015462 [View]
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The mirror necessitates light
I see everything now
In the mirror
Even you
Drop the mirror
I no longer see you.

>> No.14884852 [View]
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what are some works on prostitution? I've read Dostoyevsky already

>> No.14847157 [View]
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I saw it a few years ago and I thought it was pretty good. Granted, it's jerked off constantly by people like in OP's pic who think it's the MOST REVOLUTIONARY ANIME EVER, but it's certainly ahead of its time and some of its predictions were startlingly accurate.

>> No.14679885 [View]
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Are there any good literature about nature from either culture? I can read some Japanese, but I would have to get back into studying it to read anything of significance.

Basho seems cool to me, but I'm not sure if it can be translated well. I have no idea about Chinese literature.

Thanks anons!

>> No.14560989 [View]
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Next semester I have the opportunity to take an intro to German philosophy class, but I'd have to drop my foreign language. I obviously know the basics of people like Kant and Hegel but I've never really put the time into "learning" them.

Is it worth taking classes in philosophy or can I learn just as much on my own? I really like learning about philosophy here on lit but I don't know if that will transfer into academia.

>> No.14549881 [View]
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Where now the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that was blowing?
Where is the helm and the hauberk, and the bright hair flowing?
Where is the hand on the harpstring, and the red fire glowing?
Where is the spring and the harvest and the tall corn growing?
They have passed like rain on the mountain, like a wind in the meadow;
The days have gone down in the West behind the hills into shadow.
Who shall gather the smoke of the dead wood burning,
Or behold the flowing years from the Sea returning?

>> No.14473848 [View]
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>> No.14314267 [View]
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Basically just Filthy Frank for /lit/ but somehow even worse than both of those things

>> No.14283662 [View]
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numbers aren't real, have a pleasant evening

>> No.14186362 [View]
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A repressing transsexual will bring us the literary masterpiece of this century. I can feel it in my bones. He may already be alive. He may be among us right now.

>> No.14001526 [View]
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>I actually go great pains to hide what I'm reading
I doubt this, because you would just read in private instead. Perhaps you enjoy reading in public and hiding what you are reading in an attempt to draw even more attention to yourself. You're like a fucking woman. Disgraceful.

>> No.13983770 [DELETED]  [View]
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What are some books that give good reasons to not commit suicide?

>> No.13980904 [View]
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yeah, I feel too dumb to be here. But you're right, delusions of grandeur play a role as well.

Thank you, I will take a look!

Haha, that made me laugh

>> No.13840307 [View]
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Karl was right about the mechanistic nature of history leading almost inevitably to communism but by spelling it out he broke the system by making people aware of the fact that they were part of it
the man played himself and we're now all stuck in hell forever as he looks down in horror from atheist heaven

>> No.13651571 [View]
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>Why do you read philosophy /lit/?
To figure out whether it's worth it or not.

As Aristotle-sensei said, as soon as we ask the question, "Should we philosophize?" regharless of the answer we are already philosophizing. There is just no way around philosophy: we all live by certain philosophical assumptions about the world, whether we want to admit it or not.

>> No.13571082 [View]
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is it really better to be a parasite than an eternal wagie?

>> No.13381197 [View]
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Post any stories, experiences, or advice here about graduate school. I earned my BA last year and have been doing well in my own endeavors, but I’m interested in taking my education further. I’m basically split between this and law school, but the more I read and write, the more I’m inclined towards the former. Doing a deep dive into literature sounds like part of a full life for me

>> No.13380203 [View]
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Why haven't the Jannies acted upon the incessant religious baiting? Every day we have at least 3 or 4 blatant bait thread from various religious groups/atheists that do absolutely nothing but serve to provoke. This is not a sectarian issue. It affects everyone negatively to have /b/ tier bait posts on /lit/. I'm all for the discussion for literature that is religious in nature, but there is no literature in this thread nor many of these religion bait threads.

>> No.13206525 [View]
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Note: the word "cringe" is banned in this thread; constructive criticism is encouraged.

the cloud dispersed from dreamy crest
and led the rays ov morning star to earth;
a pleasure took and form’d the dancing trees,
a heartfelt song was play’d and birth’d!
the world was still for passion’s hour,
and nightingale were heard in frenzy’d tune
atop the trees begetting flowers,
atop the world, the sky, the moon!

O, nephilim son! your face upon the earth--
deliver hidd’n names as bolts ov god
in truths that heed the halv’d and goat;
with love atop thy will and fury ripe,
take fruits ov gold and shine unto a beacon
bringing light ‘till blind with strength,
and tasting sun in words divinely sought.

belove the dance ov stars in tranquil sky,
for soaring soul begot and lay’d its founding
in seas ov darkest veil and lightless field.
Nuit! receive my gaze upon thine all,
and take my eyes for thee in willing form;
do thou perceive my call?

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