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>> No.21804689 [View]
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>muh beachfront mcmansion is a historical building

>> No.20452543 [View]
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I am eastern european and this is an international website.
If you don't like it, don't enter the threads.

you are a historical-determinist retard

>> No.20033146 [View]
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I recently recalled an incident where at age 5 I told my childhood babysitter, this nice old lady, that "when I kill everybody in the world I'll let you live because you're so nice"

>> No.20005283 [View]
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As a rule, all ADHD criticism is rooted in petty egotistical put-downs of people who readily admit that they are mentally ill, or sour grapes about stimulant medication
Congrats on being the most obvious faggot of them all

>> No.19976088 [View]
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>have inner monologue
>have inner ear and can imagine whatever sound in my head
>have very limited inner sight and can't actually "see" anything in my head beyond a vague memory-like false image
it's over for me /lit/bros

>> No.19956714 [View]
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I can't treat women in any way except being completely civil and respectable to them. I pick up female friends left right and center but I can never ever make a move on any of them, not even asking her out on a first date, because it seems to be crossing a line. Flirting makes me shut down completely and blush. I can't use dating apps because any matches I get start to ghost me because I can't transition into the next stage after introductions.
I can do the waist-hug and have no issues interacting in any other sphere except this romantic one.
I am completely domesticated and bought into the early 2000s casual feminist propaganda to a T, at a young age. I can't escape it in any way. It completely boggles my mind that women like somebody who breaks the rules, but not TOO much and just in a few exciting ways. I understand it intellectually but I cannot relate to it whatsoever.
My mommy issues have completely ruined me for women, I hope she can cope with having no grandkids

>> No.19931831 [View]
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Aristophanes' works are some of the earliest pieces of defined satire on record, and his satires were targeted at:
>up and coming populist underdog politicians like Cleon
>less refined and popular comedian playwrights
>women (who were all seen as basically retarded back then and on par with children)

>> No.19906245 [View]
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Tolkien's biggest influence in writing LOTR was Beowulf, which was already a Christianized Saxon story at the time it was recorded. Furthermore, Tolkien used the names and linguistic conventions and poetic elements of that Anglo-Saxon story and others, but the entire context of the world and its every resident element is totally different from any Germanic folklore. Elves and dwarves in the old tales were rascally midgets who pulled evil pranks all day.
You neo"pagans" are able to perceive this false dichotomy because you're shallow aestheticians operating in an assassinated Christian culture. You're as much a symptom of this as any tranny.

>> No.19630738 [View]
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if this is the level of discourse the average westoid can muster then it's no surprise your children are all trannies

>> No.19630271 [View]
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Dysphoria is just the male insecurity of broken men living in a feminized society. It is a nonsensical vaguely defined memetic poison cloud which is propagated for ulterior motives by predators and fools who fell for it
I can speak to that personally, at least the first part

>> No.19595929 [View]
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I'm a neurotic nerd with a lot of pent up alienation and aggression just like a stereotypical 4chan poster. I was a weird kid through middle school, with a few friends and decent peer-group interactions, who was mildly bullied. The situation improved a bit in high school and undergrad. I feel like all of my social interactions are learned imitation and I can't genuinely build rapport with people.

But I've had an epiphany that this seems to be unidirectional. People seem to like talking to me. Today I was just called "charismatic" for the second time in my life, in the exact context of somebody refusing to believe I was a 24-year-old virgin.

How am I supposed to reconcile this with my internal experience?

>> No.19571156 [View]
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That seems surprisingly affordable, to be honest, especially for a boarding school.
I went to the feeder school for the University of Toronto in Canada. It cost about a third of that but I daresay the University of Toronto is fucking shit compared to Oxbridge despite being the "best" university up here.
The other prestigious historic school in Toronto is about 1.5x the price of ours, but they're absolutely not worth that

>> No.19283036 [View]
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retarded troll, here's your (you)

>> No.19256765 [View]
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> personality and memory
> heady seasoning
all else aside,

>> No.19209533 [View]
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This particular strain of underhanded moral perfectionism spawned by the West is the main reason it is dying, compared to the strength of something like Shia and Deobandi Islam
As it turns out skinny violent asocial youths can proselytize no problem. Your faggot critique doesn't create a more moral, or even less hypocritical society, it causes reddit metastasis and a collective suicide in the name of hedonism

>> No.19029704 [View]
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Yeah this is obviously an abrahamoid take, not like historically buddhist societies (China, India, SEA) have massive complexes about parental figures

>> No.19027241 [View]
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> croat citing bulgar-turkic irredentist propaganda in order to refute serbian irredentist propaganda
> proceeds to name some literally who in reference to Nietzsche likely indicating there is some obscure asspained croat cope theory mixed in as well
balkan moment
you are all small people and nobody gives a shit about you, and your entire faggot region ought to be glassed. stfu for gods sake

>> No.19017146 [View]
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> when you take Christian mysticism but detach the transcendent quality and apply your utopian materialist neuroticism instead
> this is the heart and soul of leftist ideology
well no wonder everything's fucked up

>> No.18875250 [View]
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I concede all of this. I would only note that you've mischaracterized my position in the first point; I was merely committing the fallacy laid out in your second and third points since I am a pseud when it comes to the Greeks. I have no defense and I am shamed.

>> No.18838051 [View]
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Are there any forms of Gnosticism which are oriented towards the Archons, instead of the Aeons?

>> No.18764248 [View]
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>anon thinks himself above historical intellectuals because he once got to orbit stacy at a party and now he will overcompensate on that basis for the rest of his life
>his absolutely plebeian superficial teen impulse means that he is qualified to smugly psychoanalyze philosophers and question their understanding of "the human experience" like some woman
>blatant projection of cynical insecurity
>>Stop being a retard, I'm not even American
it's obvious, canadian hands typed this

>> No.18721556 [View]
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> forsake the counter-cultural position
daily reminder the left spent four years LARPing as THE RESISTANCE despite having all corporations and media under their nominal control. Meanwhile rightoids are happy to sneer about counter-cultural hypocrisy but they all like invoking "common sense normal people" as their base of support.
In that sense I think you'll find that neither side genuinely takes the counter-cultural position. It's a tool that's thrown aside when the position of orthodoxy is better for the goal at hand.
For that matter the left didn't "forsake" the counter cultural position, they literally genuinely won. They didn't do that by claiming to be the ones in power, they claimed victimhood and seized power in a bad-faith takeover from limpdick neocons, using crocodile tears when necessary and gaslighting otherwise. Fucking Reddit, one of the biggest social media sites on the internet, is a testament to their massive persisting victim complex to this day.
Lastly, posting a hijacked wall-of-text meme and acting smug is literally nothing new or unexpected from you, but you act like you're le epic BTFOing us by doing it. Grow up you faggot idealist, listen to >>18717697 and maybe you'd actually get somewhere.

>> No.18161499 [DELETED]  [View]
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>antisemitism is always virulent
>hatred is always spewed
>rants are always unhinged

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