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>> No.2506129 [View]
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>> No.2497248 [View]
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ehh, if your classification of 'a priori' refers to my position that misogyny originates in isolation and solitude, surely we're talking of an inference made through experience of solitude, i.e. a posteriori

if with greater likelihood (although this certainly didn't come out in what you wrote), you consider any aversion to anti-social, anti-humanist thinking, a presumptive moral position made a priori to any empirical justification, let me remind you of the enlivening opportunities for self improvement and education your community offers, if you engage with it sincerely and openly, a humanist education for what it is worth.

Of course, ever since Heidegger, we should be careful of the term humanism, and whether it is worth taking my response much further than this point, for the cheapest, most puerile troll in the damn book, is questionable. Simply put, whether Heidegger advocates the ontic and its ontological grounding as the only real sort of practical knowledge in his letter and whether this attitude can be classed a humanism, gender, insofar as it is a mode of being, creates a fairly negligible sense of disparity between the sexes in general, and in practical, existentiell terms only a little bit more, so from a phenomenological perspective, your opinions can only reflect badly on you.

>> No.2108442 [View]
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I think we need a bit of justification here, before I tear your piss poor shit to tatters...

>> No.2074444 [View]
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How so, sir?

I dare you to critique it. But no strawmans, that would be cheating (and wrong).

>> No.2047820 [View]
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>Then let me ask you this: Are you really arrogant enough to think that the same doesn't apply to humans?
Hardly, arrogant. I think it's a plain requirement of compassion

>Do you see all those breeds of dogs? Do they all look the same to you? Do you think some of those dogs are faster than others? Stronger than others? More aggressive than others? Smarter than others?
Can you generalize on a species level like that? Get me some JSTOR articles that suggest as such

>Why are the fastest people always black? Why did I see 10 Africans run by in a marathon before I say even one single white guy?
Correlating physical attributes with the genetic idiosyncracies of intelligence. I hope you don't do this.

>If you can't, get out NOW because I have no patience for you and a political discussion is not what I wanted for this thread.
Pic related

>> No.2008226 [View]
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>> No.1963172 [View]
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>Waaaa I'm sad because nobody likes me so I think I'll just be like everybody else
>implying the use of a tripcode instigates a necessity of elitism
>implying it isn't just for the purpose of definition
Did you notice the fact that this thread had NOTHING to do with me and was just a procession of conversation about other topics? Or are you as blind as I think?

P.S. I'll throw in this autism macro just to make you a little more mad.
But aren't the prejudices just traits of your being? So there isn't really an 'underneath' to that.

>> No.1955388 [View]
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> Every time we meet it’s a breath of fresh air.
> cigarette

>> No.1949687 [View]
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Did you forget your autism medication today? You poor thing.

OP, if you can find it, try reading Roadside Picnic, it is the novel that S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is based on.

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