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>> No.23319125 [View]
File: 286 KB, 360x519, Divine Ladder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree.
I'm glad that I met a fellow traveller that came to the same conclusion.
We wish to exist more (to be like God).

>> No.15693502 [View]
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A long arduous adventure with a greatly worthwhile & fulfilling reward.

>> No.15626859 [View]
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Orthodox theology and tradition covers this well. The whole point of life is to achieve theosis; which is the transcendent solution to the existential problem: godhood.
The only way you win this "game" is to become holy. Else you're stuck in the eternal nihilism of material imprisonment or existential oblivion.

So outside the bible, I'd recommend the Philokalia.

>> No.14848314 [View]
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Changed the cosmological nature of man allowing us to transcend and become divine by following his path.

This gives teleological purpose to for man to pursue God and to be like God. Leading to a universal ethical justification where all your actions and thoughts should be guided toward this personal divinization process of theosis.

Existentially/practically speaking, this is the most worthwhile pursuit for man's condition: to pursue godhood in union with God. To become saints.

Logically it makes the most coherent sense to me.
Spiritually I find it absolutely beautiful.

>> No.14835196 [View]
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Not a prot.
>You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone.
>James 2:24

Also works != material.
Works meaning a person's energies (energeia).
The materialism I'm criticizing is that of philosophical materialism; particular reductional science and classical foundationalism where critique lies on correspondence rather than coherence.

>> No.13590795 [View]
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>Main points of discontent for the Catholic Church are the papal primacy[1][2][3] and the filioque clause.[1][2] For Eastern Orthodox the main point of discontent is voiced by neo-Palamism, which sees the essence-energy distinction, and the experiential vision of God as attained in theoria and theosis, as the main point of divergence between East and West.

I'd chalk up the primary differences between the two to Theosis and the teleology of man: the point of existence is to become like God and transformatively become more divine (Divinization) through God's energies (Palamism). Catholics reject this and primarily view salvation in a metaphysical legalistic framework of judgement: you check all the boxes in life and you get into the heavenly karma club (or if you don't, you go to purgatory or hell).

Here's a good discussion on the issue that handles the theology and metaphysics very well.

>> No.13565491 [View]
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>> No.13533564 [View]
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>No matter where you go, there you are.~Buckaroo Banzai
>Nor will people say, `Here it is,' or `There it is,' because the kingdom of God is within you. ~Luke 17:21
Suffering is no different than a fire. You can either be burnt by it, or use it to transform yourself like cold metal into steel.
Use it as a springboard to transcendence. Once one form of suffering repels off your like a raincoat, seek to conquer another form of suffering. Much like steel, the old flames has no effect on it's essence once it's been tempered.

The elimination of suffering is a moot endeavor. We will always create new forms of suffering; whether that be the banal ennui of the modern office space, or the despair of a temporary internet outage. Understand it. Tame it. Harness it. Grow.

>> No.13524090 [View]
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A manual on how to transcend is pretty valuable.

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