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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.17453948 [View]
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I read in my computer chair at my computer. Although I would like to get something with an ottoman.

>> No.16865048 [View]
File: 2.27 MB, 450x800, 1598411094582.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A couple I saw came across as legitimately stupid

Fucking retards man. Idk if you're the op, but if you commit to studying the basics and exploring the latest articles on whatever your issue is, you can find your solution. I'd unironically also suggest finding relevant fb groups, where others are attempting to navigate through the same problem.

I had an issue where I consulted with 3 retard doctors, none of whom were of any help whatsoever. Basically told me to live with it. I said fuck this and studied the latest literature on my own, directed my own treatment, and cured myself of the condition.

i've only met one genius doctor in my life, and he was an oddball pajeet who reminded me of a Victorian era gentleman-scientist. the majority are very technician-brained who can dispense meds for common ailments and do surgeries. that's about it.

>> No.16715428 [View]
File: 2.27 MB, 450x800, 1598411094582.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

china is undergoing a demographic winter and will implode under the weight of an aging population within THIS century. go look at the fertility rates of certain provinces in china. they're worse than anything you've seen in the west. look at south korea. literally every country in the world has declining levels of fertility. even muslim countries like iran are now under replacement levels. the west and east asia were simply the first over the hump. everyone else is following behind them. tripling populations to consoom more, in order to raise gdp is the most brainlet take of all time. countries would be better served by undertaking policy measures like increasing retirement age and augmenting technology like robots to ease the process of a receding population. just importing joggers to consoom more and raise numbers is such a moronic take, it makes me wonder if that guy is an ecoonomist.

>> No.16689590 [View]
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Looks good anon, thanks. Is it done in a similar memoir style? I quite enjoyed that, and noticed something similar employed by Vidal in Julian.

>> No.16224426 [View]
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These types of thrillers rooted in history, myth, culture etc are my guilty pleasure. Any similar books?

>> No.16217835 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 2.27 MB, 450x800, fuckyou2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup lit tards, i got an ib extended essay to write in 5 days, any books with good meaning that I could write 4000 words about?

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