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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20114041 [View]
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>There is a class of revolutionists named Girondins, whose fate in history is remarkable enough! Men who rebel, and urge the Lower Classes to rebel, ought to have other than Formulas to go upon. Men who discern in the misery of the toiling complaining millions not misery, but only a raw-material which can be wrought upon, and traded in, for one's own poor hidebound theories and egoisms; to whom millions of living fellow-creatures, with beating hearts in their bosoms, beating, suffering, hoping, are 'masses,' mere 'explosive masses for blowing down Bastilles with, for voting at hustings for us: such men are of the questionable species! No man is justified in resisting by word or deed the Authority he lives under, for a light cause, be such Authority what it may. Obedience, little as many may consider that side of the matter, is the primary duty of man. No man but is bound indefeasibly, with all force of obligation, to obey. Parents, teachers, superiors, leaders, these all creatures recognise as deserving obedience. Recognised or not recognised, a man has his superiors, a regular hierarchy above him; extending up, degree above degree; to Heaven itself and God the Maker, who made His world not for anarchy but for rule and order! It is not a light matter when the just man can recognise in the powers set over him no longer anything that is divine; when resistance against such becomes a deeper law of order than obedience to them; when the just man sees himself in the tragical position of a stirrer up of strife! Rebel, without due and most due cause, is the ugliest of words; the first rebel was Satan.—
socialists BTFO

>> No.17458832 [View]
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>*blocks your whig historiography*

>> No.17165347 [View]
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Thought based on the thread title it was going to be about impotent writers. In any case my vote for Scotland is going to Carlyle.
>Whiny bitch talking about 'great' men when he can't even get his pp hard. Ultimate cope.

>> No.16493700 [View]
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because he is Carlyle lmao

>> No.15380151 [View]
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As a brown person living in some backwater province of the globalist empire, I believe that the best thing your typical first worlder can do to help the "less fortunate" members of our planet is to actively participate in the economy and create jobs. Somewhere out there some sweatshop worker or outsourcing agent is providing food for his family because you decided to follow your dream. It's not ideal, but it's a start.

One day I'd like for my race to be great too. I believe in race realism. I'm proud of being part of my family and where I came from; my race is just an extension of that belief. Consumerism and affirmative action has deprived other races of becoming true members of our global community. Instead of being challenged and molded by adversity, they are delegated token roles by none other than race supremacists themselves, seeking to create a homogeneous global slave caste whose sole purpose is to obey.

>> No.14380806 [View]
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>The right can't thi-

>> No.13930906 [View]
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>> No.13098707 [View]
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1. The Universe, so far as sane conjecture can go, is an immeasurable PP Explosion, consisting of solid dump trucks, liquid blasts and gaseous braps, and of other contrasts and kinds;—especially consisting of attainable and unattainable explosions, the latter in immensely greater quantities for most PP’s.
2. Moral evil is unattainability of the PP's explosions; moral good, attainability of ditto.
3. What is Paradise, or the State of Innocence?" Paradise, called also State of Innocence, Age of Gold, and other names, was (according to PP’s of weak judgment) unlimited
attainability of PP Explosions; perfect fulfilment of one's PP-Feel-Good, so that the PP's imagination could not outrun reality: a fable and an impossibility, as PP’s of sense now see.
4. "Define the Whole Duty of PP’s." It is the mission of universal Explosion-hood, and the duty of all PP’s, at all times, to diminish the quantity of unattainable Brap-hogs and increase that of attainable Big-PP-Hog-Explosion. All knowledge and device and effort ought to be directed thither and thither only; PP Science, PP Enthusiasm and Devotion have this one aim. It is the Whole Duty of PP-Explosionism.

>> No.13097760 [View]
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1. The Universe, so far as sane conjecture can go, is an immeasurable PP Explosion, consisting of solid dump trucks, liquid blasts and gaseous braps, and of other contrasts and kinds;—especially consisting of attainable and unattainable explosions, the latter in immensely greater quantities for most PP’s.
2. Moral evil is unattainability of the PP's explosions; moral good, attainability of ditto.
3. What is Paradise, or the State of Innocence?" Paradise, called also State of Innocence, Age of Gold, and other names, was (according to PP’s of weak judgment) unlimited
attainability of PP Explosions; perfect fulfilment of one's PP-Feel-Good, so that the PP's imagination could not outrun reality: a fable and an impossibility, as PP’s of sense now see.
4. "Define the Whole Duty of PP’s." It is the mission of universal Explosion-hood, and the duty of all PP’s, at all times, to diminish the quantity of unattainable Brap-hogs and increase that of attainable Big-PP-Hog-Explosion. All knowledge and device and effort ought to be directed thither and thither only; PP Science, PP Enthusiasm and Devotion have this one aim. It is the Whole Duty of PP-Explosionism.

- Latter Day Pamphlets, "PP Philosophy"

>> No.12930390 [View]
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I've read Nietzsche, Dostoevsky, Greek Stoicism, Carlyle, Schopenhauer, among a few others. What am I missing and what do you lads recommend? Help a young amateur grow and improve. Thanks in advance kings

>> No.12601347 [View]
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The history of the world is but the Biography of great men.

>> No.12597660 [View]
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Oh, but what makes one a philosopher anon? Surely you would be so kind as to inform us, would you not?

>> No.12536416 [View]
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>> No.11981996 [View]
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the same typical reasons anyone else is attracted to /lit/ and literature in general

>> No.11649961 [View]
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>implying only (or mainly) "liberals" make these kinds of posts

>> No.11637526 [View]
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Is Carlyle trying to make a case for pantheism in Sartor Resartus (and more specifically 'The Everlasting Yea')? Though I admit I'm a brainlet, and feel like I don't completely grasp the meaning from Carlyle's prose sometimes (though I rather like it), it seems like he's riding the line between pantheism and deism. What are /lit/'s thoughts?

>> No.9933915 [View]
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I'm reading Thomas Carlyle's Heroes and Hero Worship.

In Lecture 5, Hero as Man of Letters, Carlyle writes, "The Hero is he who lives in the inward sphere of things, in the True, Divine, and Eternal, which exists always, unseen to most, under the Temporary, Trivial : his being is in that; he declares that abroad, by act or speech as it may be, in declaring himself abroad."

What the fuck did he mean by this? The first part is straightforward, the Hero taps into some eternal spring of being that lends him strength to become a Hero. But, what is this 'being abroad by being abroad' bit? What the fuck was Carlyle saying?

>> No.9534471 [View]
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>> No.8263949 [View]
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Where to start with him?

>> No.7382092 [View]
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>It is a great shame for any one to listen to the accusation that Islaam is a lie and that Muhammad was a fabricator and a deceiver. We saw that he remained steadfast upon his principles, with firm determination; kind and generous, compassionate, pious, virtuous, with real manhood, hardworking and sincere. Besides all these qualities, he was lenient with others, tolerant, kind, cheerful and praiseworthy and perhaps he would joke and tease his companions. He was just, truthful, smart, pure, magnanimous and present-minded; his face was radiant as if he had lights within him to illuminate the darkest of nights; he was a great man by nature who was not educated in a school nor nurtured by a teacher as he was not in need of any of this.

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