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>> No.15637289 [View]
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People of the book. Not literal worship of the word, though words are crucial in kabbalah and jewish metaphysics (Aryeh Kaplan's Jewish Meditation). Our books matter a lot to us, even to the people who don't read them. Do americans really care about Moby Dick, even if they haven't read it?

The greatest crime of western education is that it doesnt teach people that they can just create new ideas. our world is very different from the past, and we cannot rely on the systems of the past to supply for the needs of a new world. Marxism is retarded because it only talks about needing a revolution but says nothing about actually how to govern after the revolution. Democracy, capitalism, and mass technology are collapsing in on each other, and we need to work towards adapting ideologies of the past to a new future. I don't have a system better than democracy, but at the very least, nobody can deny that the Democratic Republic two party system in the US doesn't work anymore. The two party system controls politics on every level, and when it becomes clear to america that system has to change, new ideas will come.

That's what we're asking ourselves now. The destruction of the 2nd temple in 70 was the consequence of a long buildup of regional politics and history, but the talmud 700 years later tells that gossip and baseless hatred made god allow the romans to destroy Jerusalem (its a corny allegory deliberately, but still). So we're concerned in a few hundred years (only a few left until the year 6000) how the holocaust will be remembered, and whether it will be more theological, cultural, or historical.

2. Zionism in its core form is applying European Nationalism to ethnic minorities. If the Germans have the right to self determination, and the Russians do, and the Austrians do, according to Herzl, so do the Jews. In early zionism, this was extended to argue all people have the right to self determination, regardless of their status, meaning Native Americans have a right to self-governance, the Kurds do, Black Americans do, any self identifying group does, but it also argued for secular democracy. If this sounds nazi-ish it was written in 1897, and as I said earlier, it is just European Nationalism, which nazism and modern democracies buy into. George Steiner talked about this, >>15636545 for more. It's a complicated issue.

3. i didn't think people could be brainwashed into anti-semitism this heavily, but you really think my dad was like Adam Sandler in Uncut Gems. We're middle class, along with most other Jews I know. We never made more than 100k a year growing up and the financial crash of 2008 fucked us. Normal person shit. There are a nice amount who have parents who are doctors or lawyers, but the rest of us are normal people. I work at a used book store. There is no global conspiracy. Its crazy to me that this is really how you see it, because we're just people.

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