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>> No.9076813 [View]
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I loved this whole exchange and it only made my estimation of Alex Jones go up. I have no idea what he's doing but I am so, so glad that he's out there doing it. When the media becomes a completely insane shitshow of doublethink and recursivity, heroic conspiracy theorists acquire a kind of a rare and precious importance. When you can't trust the sane, the insane become much more important. That rant that he goes into around 1hr40 is a thing of genuine beauty, you can see Rogan's eyes rolling in his head. And for fuck's sakes he's only 43. He's wonderful. That, to me, is the right way to think about this shit. And how about the fact that a lot of that Pizzagate shit turned out to be correct?


The media is completely implicated with all of this shit that is going up in flames. I actually like Fox more than CNN, Breitbart, MSNBC or anyone, because they're on the back foot right now; they're not with Trump and they're not with the Blue Team. I actually think it helps them provide better coverage. Tucker Carlson isn't exactly Walter Cronkite, but he's actually in a position to grill people in ways that the other guys can't because they're already obligated to perform for their fan bases. Funny how these things go in cycles.

>Do you get into the esoteric side of this stuff at all?

Fully and completely. That's where I feel most at home. Rene Guenon is to me inarguable. Granted, it's possible that I've just always been a latent Catholic at heart and only had to wade through piles of philosophy to get here. Or maybe it's because I think the esoterics and the mystics actually understand each other perfectly well while the philosophers are hair-splitting like cunts. Religion is a beautiful thing, it's not the opiate of the masses at all. Marx was a shitheel for saying that, and this is from a guy who has read Nietzsche up and down as well. And Heidegger. And Baudrillard. And all of these guys. Guenon is tremendous. Girard too. Great literature always has a sacred dimension. Religion is hardly the demon it's made out to be.

Evola, he's just okay for me. I prefer Joseph Campbell and Peterson. But Evola is important. All of this depth psychology is important.

Yeah. I posted the other slightly cleaner one earlier. Maybe somebody will make an updated one to reflect some of the new realities of things. Still though it's not horrible as a reference. But it is hard as fuck on the eyes and if there is one thing these guys should have going on, it's aesthetics.

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