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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.12025412 [View]
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Had no idea /lit/ had enthusiasts for this kind of shit. It's a shame the more influential works by the publishers you mentioned are impossible to find (your pic). I have most of Ixaxaars books, and trust me, the two books you listed are really the only ones that are worth reading. In fact, even the Sitra-Achra book and other works by the TotBL are mostly unnecessary to anyone interested in the esoteric tradition. If you want to learn Qabbala, there are litterally hundreds of better sources than the Qliphoth meme thats been spreading around the past decade or so. Great reads if you're into Lovecraft and Kenneth Grant, but useless if you're looking for a magical system that won't endanger you.
Scarlet Imprint has produced some excellent and scholarly texts. The books written by Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold have been a great aid in my understanding Congo-originated magical systems (such as the Qayinite system found in the Liber Falxifer books).
Much truth to this. Contemporary texts are excellent, aesthetically speaking, but older teachings hold much more light to the chaos of modern living.

Anyone here interested in the esoteric arts would do well to listen to the audio lectures of Manly P. Hall. There's a treasure trove of information to be found there that could take you years of research to find otherwise. The information-age has made the work of the seeker much more daunting. The shear amount of bs found under the title of "esoteric" is quite mesmerizing. You have to be able to filter the shit from the gold. Hall's lectures are straight and to the point, no bullshit, and above all, no sales pitch. Remember that anyone trying to sell you something isn't your guru.

>> No.11965821 [View]
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Depending on your understanding of symbology. In my opinion, there is no overall objective answer, as one's interpretation will undoubtedly change the more they contemplate the mysteries of these symbols in relation to each other within the story and in relation to the Greater Mysteries upon which there were inspired.

As for the Jesus parallel, I think it's a yes and no. Gandalf is for me the obvious first choice for this comparison, as he had given his own life, "fallen into darkness" (descent into hell), was reborn "through fire and water", and returned as Gandalf the White. He was of the Maiar: "spirits of the same order as the Valar", of Spirit made Flesh.

Frodo's journey, for me, represents the evolution of mans Spirit. Recall how after the breaking of the Fellowship, Frodo sets out with Sam, and shortly after encounters Gollum. These two companions are of much significance. Sam is the representation of the Past, the essence of Home, Tradition, Innocence. Gollum represents Frodo's Future, should he give in to the Power of the One. This explains why Frodo was reluctant to turn him away: "I have to believe he can come back."

Think of the play between these three characters along there journey, and what occurred at the end of it.

Aragorn represents the state of Man in his Fallen form, and his Ascension back to his Original state. His character as well has parallels with Christ, as well as other biblical characters (Pro tip: *David*)

Also consider this: the term "Lord of the Rings" refers to the planet Saturn. Saturn can have several meanings, one of which is of course the connection to Satan. Now think of the Biblical Fall of Lucifer, and the Fall of Sauron.

There's a LOT more that i'm not going to touch upon here. If anyone here is really interested, read both the Silmarillion, the LOTR, and study the bible and the apocrypha and you'll begin to get the real message.

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