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>> No.4445822 [View]
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>tfw hating photos in my youth because they seemed like desperate attempts at hanging on to being in a world of becoming and giving way to the ego instead of memory

I will never become famous out of fear that someone will find my high school photos one day, those hilariously bad photos of me being silly against social trends. Yep, I'm sure that's the only thing holding me back.

>> No.4426062 [View]
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This is the year when I quit all my vices and dedicate all my time to improving myself. So yes, reading is all I will be doing in 2014, aside from the occasional youtube conference and artsy fartsy movie. I can no longer enjoy the simple pleasures of our entertainment industry nor do I feel the urge to spend my nights in smoke filled bars carrying half-arsed conversations. Perhaps, despite his batshit psychotic enthusiasm, Will Smith has described the lifestyle that I desire perfectly: running and reading. Running from something, but also towards something. Unlike all other such empty promises that I had made to myself in the past, this one will succeed for one simple reason: I have already started this routine, for several months even. 2014 is just the year when I set it in stone as my lifestyle of choice, as something hammered into myself until it is as natural to me as the consummerist culture and metaphysical obsession (and symptomatic laziness) that ruined me, both body and soul (in the sense of having the discipline required for freedom) and mind (because body).
Who's with me?

>> No.4346612 [View]
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I wonder what sexual things can be done while she's in that position and if shea sudden rush of pleasure would make her lose her grip and fall, fully impaling her on whatever's below her. And, of course, if licking her feet should be done between her sweaty workout and sex or simply after both. During the workout is an option as well, to get her mind focused on sex and her panties wet with more than just sweat.

That having been said, systematic philosophers, in the traditional sense, are meant to be read for their framework and way of thinking, not so much for direct personal enjoyment (like witty aphorism, existential concearns and enjoying the fact that brilliant systematic philosophers made mistakes so there's no need to feel insecure). Take for example the way Zizek uses Hegel's philosophy to explain politics and ideology even though to a casual reader Hegel is just describing a complex panteism inspired by christianity.

>> No.4283802 [View]
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I've heard Twilight of the idols was a good place to start with him. I suppose that might be true, but without knowing more about his philosophy you might get butthurt when he calls Socrates an ugly madman.

>> No.4192031 [DELETED]  [View]
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ITT: Favourite Bill Shakespeare quote

Come, civil night, solemn
Thou sober-suited matron all in black,
And learn me how to lose a winning match
Played for a pair of stainless maidenhoods.
Hood my unmanned blood, baiting in my cheeks, untamed;virgin
With thy black mantle till strange love grown bold shy
Think true love acted simple modesty. mere; innocent
Come night, come Romeo; come, thou day in night,
For thou wilt lie upon the wings of night
Whiter than new snow on a raven's back.
Come, gentle night; come, loving, black-browed night,
Give me my Romeo, and when I shall die
Take him and cut him out in little stars ,
And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night
And pay no worship to the garish sun.
O, I have bought the mansion of a love
But not possessed it, and though I am sold,
Not yet enjoyed. So tedious is this day
As is the night before some festival
To an impatient child that hath new robes

>> No.4136378 [View]
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skip the birth of tragedy.
really birth of tragedy is freddy at his most naive period in life. combine a zeal to justify the years wasted on classical philology by squeezing out his ass this shamefully hegelian allegory of the human will, as herp derp incarnated in wagners shitty music, with the added need to also channel his own psychosexual urges without seeming like an outright faggot (product not only of the abstracted hrhrhrhr dionysian sex magick of the 'creative/destructive dichotomy' of wagner's shity "music" itself but also from the concrete personal urge to relentlessly sodomize both wagner and his wife, cosima, that dirty slut)..ends up being a goddawful turgid wreck of cringe worthy romanticism and should be discarded...fred himself disowned and berated the work later on. so skip it.

start with Human all too human. you can prepare by destroying every relationship you hold dear and embracing le sweet nihilism which has been at your doorstep all this time; after you've swum through the lake of fire and up satans urethra you will have by then reached key works such as twilight of the idols where the full extent of a manifested ubermensch will rescue you from your self-annihilation and channel you towards a life of success...there is no mid-way here or short cut, trust me you must first empty yourself of all that deliciously corrosive nihilism and the only way to do that is to open your heart to the void for a period of time, you know, inhale a lot of comuter duster, set yourself on fire, stab some african americans, and brood relentlessly over the "hrrhrhr meaninglessness of it all" like some edgy fucking pussy, afterwhich you can le rise le out of le chasm, like a menstruating phoenix as you flap your arms through town sending up gusts of vaginal dust/dried blood flakes. if people laugh tell them to suck a dick because you're in the final stages of post-nihilism, in the process of shedding the last parts of you that made you a bitch, fred will guide you through hopefully you'll come out a man and not some sunhawk-esqe afterbirth hth.

after that, you will have grown some balls, stopped feeling sorry for yourself and you'll be ready to take charge.
note: your transformation need not embrace meaning; but it does need an active imposition of your will in the face of meaninglessness...here we have a reversal of nihilistic product (within a nihilistic backdrop)

if you're reading this thinking...b-b-but i jass wantid a casual read, i'd say you're a bitch and you need serious help, denial is not just a river in afghanistan

wouldnt it be better to be better?

>yes stan, thank you stan

>> No.3849959 [View]
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untermensch pls

>> No.3839352 [View]
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>worst board

>> No.3811520 [View]
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>> No.3806324 [View]
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>mfw people still trying to fight organized religion through words and books

It's been tried already by much more intelligent thinkers than are living today. You will not prevail. What is not endowed with reason will never be governed by it.

>> No.3785352 [View]
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All moralities are tyrannical in nature.

'Do this and this, refrain from doing this, and you will be (happy/healthy/honest/blessed/virtuous); otherwise....'

etc. etc.

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