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>> No.23589450 [View]
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I think you need to open your eyes and recognize the difference between an idealized libertarian and what libertarians actually are in the real world. In b4
>But that's not real libertarianism!
Real libertarianism is how it works in real life, not how it works in your objectivist fiction novel, and real libertarians are the first to bat for gay marriage, open borders, and the right for corporations to censor your thoughtcrimes.

>Appreciate the mix of eu and Disney stuff.
As someone who is not cripplingly autistic and terminally addicted to outrage, I can see the positives in Disney Star Wars stuff where they exist without having a kneejerk contrarian reflex against it, just as I can see the positives in the old Expanded Universe. There is a lot to like in both continuities - and a lot to hate. Being 100% in one camp or the other makes you a midwit NPC cultist.

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