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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.21457443 [View]
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Brazilian writers after Aloísio Azevedo simply lacked interesting lives. They are the single most banal people you can imagine, often belonging to the managerial class or the academic class - the kinds you'd see hiding in the corner of a public / news office seeking the bare minimum and never once thinking greatness in life as an achievable. They are children of an existence without risk, depressed journalists or lawyers acting as hobbyists and distracting themselves from an expendable overpaid profession. As one writes what they know, these people know nothing of love, life, of great voyages or risks, so they will write tales so cynical, introspective and skeptical of life that Murakami would cry (see Machado de Assis, who is referred to many times in this thread).

Nowadays, those same depressed and detached brazilians are still at work. All they know of the world comes through ideological lenses, knowledge which will incarnate as characters. Thus the writers proselytise nothing besides ideology. They will write the 'gay man' whose only trait is being 'gay' (see any soap opera), as well as the 'union man' whose life is ruled by the 'union' (see Black Tie or modern theater). They will even revel in making art that no one understand at all, confusing literary for useless. Those who attempt to escape this paradigm will often escape into genre fiction like fantasy - thus nulling any contribution to our literature.

Simply put, Brazil will go the way of China.

They have invented the printing press and all they've done with it was publishing the same books from the 15th century over and over again. That is because our society rewards small, predictable lives in the managerial class of mandarins as an ideal.

tl;dr: Brazilian literature is boring because brazilian writers are boring

>> No.21318876 [View]
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No trope is more common today than the 'fake marriage' trope, often sold in covers displaying a passionate couple mercilessly spoiling the end of the story with a shameless and sincere display of passion.

I beg /lit/ to understand that the 'fake marriage' trope is an excuse to sell a typical marriage love story for modern women, granted excuse of cousciousness to why a modern woman (protagonist) would be caught up in such oppressive ordeal as marriage while having a great career. No 'fake marriages' in any of these novels even have the pretense of being fake: 99% of the plot ends with girl marrying boy, thus validating societal pressure in all but the declaration that feminism and feminists were wrong.

In summary, 'fake marriage' novels represent the conscious certainty of modern women that feminism is wrong, and that a married life is a happier one. Yet since they cannot speak against feminism and spending days filling Excel sheets, they must write this whole trope in order to create a conjecture where the feminist female is coerced into having a happy life and that is fine.

Truly, feminism is dying.

>> No.21205817 [View]
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Please help.

I become very eloquent once I have taken 40~50 mg of Ritalin, at least 60 mg of caffeine and 10 mg of Zolpidem. In fact, I become so enamoured with writing that I have wrote through an entire night instead of finishing the assignments which I had reserved the night for. The issue is that I do not want to be that man who needs to drink a whole bottle of wine in order to finish a page. Also, I have become addicted to these substances, having felt a physical craving for them whenever I try to spend a day without consuming.

My question is that there is a way to summon my muses and write well and willingly without blasting through my neurons with drugs.

Has anyone dealt with a similar problem and came to a solution?

>> No.21038254 [View]
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Let me tell you about the worst side of RoyalRoad: the brazilian founder and his propensity for drama.

The website was founded by a few programmers, a literature graduate student and one brazilian (no qualifications needed). The brazilian was the largest stick in the mud imaginable, acting like a complete jerk to anyone who used his platform, refusing to add mechanics to facilitate the search for content and outpowering his associates to deny any partnerships with similar websites that could have provided a platform for a broader audience to their writers.

Then one day everyone in the community got piss tired of this guy's bullshit. They found out he was trying to make a brazilian RoyalRoad-like website using the website's code, and that was all the staff needed to smash this guy out of the platform.

It was a backstab, since he had legal ownership of the site. Except the agreements were all made in English and a brazilian could never try to sue and win.

>tl;dr: brazilian autist founder who treated everyone like shit got backstabbed while trying to backstab, tried to sue and failed because brazilian trying to sue an american business and because every single user hated him and were happy he was gone

>> No.21037674 [View]
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I am going down an awful path, /lit/.

I am not a political individual. As a matter of fact, most acquantainces of mine who are into politics are average intelligence know-it-alls (lack of a better word) who cannot entertain how accessible and psychopathic political philosophy, ideology and political history are. I cannot help but think these people push their politics into art because they don't know any better, which makes me think poorly of their character and see the evil in those who instructed them. They don't know any better, those peasants who are writing and writing about books don't read, cinema that they don't watch and any form of media which they certainly do not understand. The thrust of politics against everything directly correlates with the mediocrity of everything for a reason: these political types are NOT intelligent, and their rejection of previous thinkers is less related to the fact those are 'white male racists' and more to the fact that these people simply don't know what their antecessors thought besides one or two strawhats.

I've read Legutko and I am aware that pushing politics into everything is a mere consequence of an arrogant ideology that does not accept criticism of its framework (liberal democracy) and deems itself the most pure of ideologies (thus making all ideologies and religions impure and discriminatory in comparison). I am aware the modern elites are purely managerial and their predictable mediocrity is a consequence of an ever more aristocratic and dull society that creates elites rather than ending the rabble's poverty and powerlessness.

Still, I am not politicized. How do I tell these morons that not everything in the world is about how 'white men are evil' and tell them, for the sake of a better expression, to go fuck themselves, whine to someone who cares and leave at least literature alone?

>> No.16980907 [View]
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>> No.16970160 [View]
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Is Russian literature the ultimate chadpill?

>> No.13583240 [View]
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What makes great literary characters? How does one go about creating characters that are believable? What methods do great writers employ when fleshing out a certain character?

Pic related.

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