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>> No.23483667 [View]
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>Conservatives: We are all equal
>also Conservatives: Men and women are not equal

>> No.23426079 [View]
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>Noticing repeated instances of a pattern of behavior that goes back over 2000 years, in all parts of the world, is a delusion
>This delusion is shared by every great man, great thinker, great leader and great philosopher in history

No, I don't think so. The real conspiracy is yours, that with all this wide ranging media that some internationalist element is not trying to facilitate an end goal which is undesirable for most of the West and very desirable for a specific tribe of oven-dodgers.

>> No.22984023 [View]
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Is that where your mind goes when you think of ethnic-bonding? I don't know how it happens in Tel-Aviv but in Europe we socialize in pubs.

>> No.22963877 [View]
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Why does he seethes and kvetches when called a jew, yet cries and weeps when called a Rabbi?

>> No.22922291 [View]
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Even with every single media corperation, oligarch and nation forcefully supporting Isr*el, it is losing popular support. Even on popular social media sites.

>> No.22627143 [View]
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His job was literally the prevention of ethnocentric right-wing nationalism in the West. He succeeded, everything else he has tried to accomplish has only furthered the chaos in society.

He appears to be bought, owned and ran by jews, in some capacity.

>> No.22348338 [View]
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The Modern Right-Wing is just a slightly less pozzed Left-Wing. There is no Modern Right-Wing in any Western nation, it is prevented from forming as it would likely appeal to a huge swathe of people and effect lasting, real change. The gaps in Jordan Peterson's thought have only highlighted the problems in society, his message is somewhat sophisticated as is his main audience.

Thanks to his complete refusal to address the obvious gaps in his world-view, he has encouraged the more engaged of his audiance to research themselves and what they have found leads them towards a more authoritarian world-view, to look in to Robert Carlyle, Oswald Spengler, Ernst Junger which eventually leads one to an anti-Democratic worldview and one that brushes dangerously close to Fascism and National-Socialism.

>Speaks about biological differences in sexes
>Refuses to speak about the biological differences in races

>Speaks about the small actions of a group of men which damages society
>Refuses to speak about the small group of Jews which damages society

>Speaks about the need for individual action in the face of increasing ethnic tension
>Refuses to speak about the need for collective group action for Whites

>Speaks openly about the need for Christians and Muslims to change their actions for the betterment of all
>Refuses to even mention jews in anything but the most glowing terms

One can not avoid these glaring omissions.

>> No.21678446 [View]
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One day, for no reason at all, people elected a world war I Corporal and killed a load of people for no reason at all beyond mad hate. Or did they have prior motive? Did they not have generations of motivation going back before Martin Luther, Goethe, Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Wagner and hundreds of others?

>> No.21593571 [View]
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If there is a slightly smaller turd on my desk, it does not discount the fact that there is a turd on my desk.

>> No.21589693 [View]
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i wonder why that is?

>> No.21560874 [View]
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Glowie's can't say nigger or jews or kikes or post anything spicy or offensive. They can't store memes on their computers, especially not ones that bring attention to the jews.

You say brainwash, you mean convince that a better position exists. I'm literally the only person who posts Rockwell.

>> No.21559604 [View]
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Read Hitler's Revolution and you will see why everything happened as it did. We all know how terrible the Treaty of Versailles was, but what we are not aware of of was the repeated attempts by Germany to work within its confines, despite having everything taken from them. That they continued to take from Germany when it's people were starving, what is worse we find out which 'groups' profited off the war, which groups profited after the war, which groups were in a prime position to profit at the conclusion of the war.

It stops being an anti-semetic conspiracy theory when it is proven true time and time again.

>> No.21441314 [View]
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>Objectively false. The Nazis managed to completely 180 the social views of the average German. Remember Weimar, that was a major shift to go from something like Weimar to what happened after. If you want to support fascism, go ahead, but don't pretend fascism does not imply insane levels of authoritarianism.

Fascism is authoritarian by nature, of course it is. But it is authoritarian in nature with a somewhat biological world-view.

The views of the average citizen in Germany in 1920s was not far removed from what the National-Socialists did, you must remember there was hedonism in the streets, prostitution of woman and children to the extend that not only could you acquire a widowed mother but also her infant child to sexually abuse for the right price. There was an entire glossary of words ranging from a poverty-stricken woman who was trying to survive to the mad drug-crazed slut of the time who was loving it. A sizable (perhaps between a quarter and half) believe that we are a stones throw away from legalized pedophilia. We all commonly accept that pedophiles are running almost every Government and supranational business in the West. This is paralleled in the drag queen story hour, the Epstein trails and the men gaining access to women and children only areas.

The average German in 1920s was angry, he saw Jews bringing in huge quantities of food and charging outrageous prices for them. There was financial scandal after scandal, all involving jews. The Barmat and the Sklarek candal involved tens of millions of currency being stolen and guess who was responsible? That's right our favorite little small-hatted hooked-nose coin-clippers.

My point here is that with the right circumstances, which we are seeing happening all over society, the views of the average person are changed more by the actions of 'The Other' than by what the National-Socialists did. You forget the last hundred or so years have been a wild fluke, we have enjoyed peace and civilization for a greater period than ever known before, we will soon crash down in to how life has been for the vast majority of people in history. Us vs Them. When it comes down to that, it's not that hard to stand by grimly while those who prey on you and your family are forced in to camps.

>> No.21421397 [View]
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Everything you have said is true and he has helped hundreds of thousands of men find their way to a better life. But those times are fading, the willful blind spot in his world-view is becoming more and more apparent the more he talks and shares his opinions.

He has repeatedly condemned any sort of ethno-nationalism, yet publicly declares support and admiration to a crowded venue full of Zionist Jews in Israel, the most ethno-centric nation the world has seen. He deplores cultural-collectivism, yet espouses admiration for the greatest thinkers of the West who heartily endorse and supported the very thing he protests. He is rapidly becoming the biggest hypocrite in the public eye right now, and it is terribly saddening because he once spoke with such truth, passion and clarity.

>> No.21409790 [View]
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The more i read about National-Socialism and Fascism, the more convinced I become that such a means of government would be greatly rewarding and a far better way to live.

Ethno-Cultural Collectivism, not Economic Collectivism, is the key aspect that European decedent nations are missing. When they finally embrace it and use force against those who are not of the people, we will finally know another Golden Age.

>> No.21372380 [View]
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>Ahh yes. That's why the vast majority of white women always follow what globohomo corporations and politicians want by being consumerist sheep and voting for their leftist bullshit. Do you even read what ypu type you stupid nigger?

Read what was typed, you have proven my point. More than does not mean all or a majority. More means an increase of the previous value. Therefore if there is five percent of minorities who can think independently of what other people tell them to believe, there is more than five percent of European women. You did not read what was typed, you assumed you knew what point I was making and argued that.

Nowhere did i type that the majority of anybody can think independently. You stupid kikeoid.

>> No.21319873 [View]
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They literally never will lol they always feign some kind of ignorance like "wow could you explain how that's possible" and then just start calling you a loser for speaking about whatever subject they're trying to suppress.
The "riots" which were really just loud protests at his very early lectures were what made him both immediately and spectacularly famous. They were set up to do so. The mainstream media and the supposedly alternative popular outlets found mainly on Glowtube are unquestionably controlled by very powerful interests and their most powerful tool of oppression is silence. Rather than ignoring Peterson everyone had him on. He was hosted everywhere and given one of the largest platforms and name brands in the English speaking world today. That's not an accident. For his entire public career he has been doggedly critical of any statement critical of Jews or Jewish interests and he has always worked for Jews. He is very clearly controlled opposition. He is the pinnacle of it.

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