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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.12559067 [View]
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fetish. Desire is being redicked towards boorgasm. I has bias in this medium yet the intamecy of means and I have lost such luster that now we can all enjoy at least the ideal of that beast corrupted as such, (packaged mostly not to craft but to famine relief prescineity).

>> No.12485117 [View]
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The level of discourse in American public life has only sustained itself because of Maher's commitment to an open but civil forum. His commitment to a discourse is akin to that in the heydays of philosophy where each person gave their own pronouncements as a joyful encouragement for their guests to entertain the company with their opinion. He is a part of the legacy of your founders. He looks to find the good in disagreements with friends and even enemies. This is the spirit of John Adams and the Virginia science worshiping, bible rewriting, wineo fool whatshisface. He is the most American of real Mericans. He is the wagon train and the raiding plainspeople come to keep the butchers away from their women. He is first and foremost probably not going to win you over in a day, but he will in fifteen years or so of a career.
Just learn PolSci and international relations if you want to understand his humour.

>> No.12482192 [View]
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fucking doctors and their "you gotta work to feel their pain, man!" haven't you all found a better book yet.

What even is Tinder?

>> No.12468330 [View]
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What books talk about the female desire to have a penis?

>> No.12455371 [View]
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no, the critic announces the deaths of everything human and replaces it with histories of abstractions or prophecies of validation for their fickle contrarianism, (as the market expectations/alienations are again scrutinized).

>> No.12408486 [View]
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>I perfer grammaci in jail than a hash smoker on the run with a bit too much idealism in his briefcase
so shoot me

>> No.12297228 [View]
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>people think

>> No.12296579 [View]
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>> No.12294670 [View]
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No. The win is a pinprick of American cultural imperialism on the membrane of sacred tradition. Opening the prize to pomo readings of culture is a sign of grand disconnection. His works are genius and should have been recognized by some equally substantial prize for bardic or oral culture. But the judgement had almost nothing to do with the quality of his work. It was mostly about aesthetics and politics. His Nobel pronounced to the world that literature aimed at the masses has reached the peak and now will sit in stasis as the poets begin again to form themselves, to discipline themselves, to make themselves ready to speak directly to the globalists, the kings and queens, the rich and famous, the powerful few whose agency we covet. The days of American cultural imperialism have begun to wane, the leveler of true poetry spoken to kings and queens is upon us, and none shall sing under the guise of postmodernism songs of themselves. Only words of boundless patriotism can help destroy the remnants of all these pseudo-american cunts. Only the ears of the %1 matter to literature, only fools believe Dylan a poet and not a singer.

>> No.12291114 [View]
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Can we just wash our hands of this topic please. The whole thing is disgusting.
The world would be a better place if we all took probiotics and let our kids eat dirt.

>mfw scientific lit is like being forcefed a thousand writing prompts a second.

>> No.12284624 [View]
File: 32 KB, 220x277, Frans_Masereel_(1919)_Passionate_Journey_urination_page.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thomas Mann
>Masereel uses an emotional, Expressionistic style to create a narrative replete with allegory, satire, and social criticism—a visual style he continued with throughout his career. He expresses a broad variety of emotions through understated, unexaggerated gestures. Most characters are given simple, passive expressions, which provides emphatic contrast with characters expressing more explicit emotion—love, despair, ecstasy. He considered Passionate Journey partly autobiographical, which he emphasized with a pair of self-portraits that open the book—in the first, Masereel sits at his desk with his woodcutting tools, and in the second appears the protagonist, dressed in identical fashion with the first. Literature scholar Martin S. Cohen wrote that it expressed themes that were to become universal in the wordless novel genre.

>> No.11380461 [View]
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I thought it was both funny and biting. I'm glad someone picked up on the hot, shiny blackness of my steaming being. It's so lonely here, sometimes.

>> No.11079037 [View]
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>> No.10980212 [View]
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So basically he's a humanist hoping he never has to make the decisions of generals or politicians because the realpolitics of choose the lesser evil does sit well alongside a noble, benevolent species. It's the sentiment of live and let live. Which is a good method for those hard of hearing, given their proximity to cliffs and moral sceptics.

>Why not pose as a tyrant for fun?
The hand is not heavy, not barely enough.
>Three Stoges tied up by the reins of a camera?
What is there anyhow but a handlessness and the sound of the crack before the comedy is steered toward some end that can never be arrived at due to the task at hand.
>This is not going well.
You're telling me.
>I wasn't talking to you.
That gives me an idea!
>A sparkly thought bliss.

>> No.10848328 [View]
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The last woodstock recreation led to mass rapes. It was highly commercial. So many people reacted to that generation with disdain that the next generation actually tried to do things differently. But that happened on the left and right, and neither figured out why their religious experiences where so how fractured and shallow. These people then put that energy into the internet. None know why the feeling lingers for all, why there can't be a shared unity of experience in reality.

Guess we'll have to wait for another baby boom after an even greater war....

Wonder what the next collective art group is going to be like this year?

>> No.10104571 [View]
File: 30 KB, 220x277, Frans_Masereel_(1919)_Passionate_Journey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world has had enough of him and he enough of the world. He has even had enough of love, judging from the gesture with which he exists through the door. Then his life-journey comes to an end. A mystical denouement begins. And he tramples on his heart...

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