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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.14470821 [View]
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>> No.14278992 [View]
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Look at this genius, this cutie, this profoundly based man

>> No.12916520 [View]
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ask heidegger: he says himself
ask wittgenstein: he's too shy to say himself but you know he thinks it
ask whitehead: you realize whitehead has already anticipated this question and you already know that there neither is, nor is not, a greatest philosopher of the 20th century possible because you were whitehead this whole time. holy shit wtf
ask deleuze:

>> No.12828154 [View]
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Why did philosophy take such a left-wing bend after WW2, by this I mean that most of the prominent and important philosophers had left-wing tendencies and often tied, to some degree, it with their philosophy. Is there some truth to this whole "social marxism" thing?

>> No.12697350 [View]
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I've lately been coming to the realization that aesthetics are one of the most if not most important things to me. I want to be surrounded by beautiful things and people, to be beautiful and to hear beautiful things. I want to eat beautiful foods and live in a beautiful house with beautiful pets and beautiful children. I want to have sex with a beautiful wife. It sounds so vain writing this out, I've been surrounded by ugliness my whole life and want to be done with it. We as humans are wired to seek out and want to be around aesthetically pleasing things and for good reason, healthiness and good genes are reflected by beauty and we know this on a subconscious level. For too long has my life been ruled by bad faith "true worldism" and idealism, I'm done holding my nose down into the dirt to convince myself how bad existence is.

>> No.12694512 [View]
File: 3.24 MB, 2880x1800, Deleuze-delighted_screen-shot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stop laughing.

>> No.12568402 [View]
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as well he should be. everyone is scared of the big D. especially hardcore old-school Marxists. Deleuze is hard to argue with.
>tho perhaps not impossible

Nietzsche yes, but very selectively (and that's fine). but if he was really cool with Heidegger he would have no reason to shit on Derrida that much. and even if he did he could certainly have a more principled argument than just calling him a piece of shit, which is basically what he says about Foucault as well. but these are guys who took their own mentors seriously also. it's not enough to just call people reprehensible. if you want to call someone reprehensible you have to at least demonstrate that you understand their arguments.

Sam Harris actually gave the best example of this, in his trainwreck dialogue with Hannibal Burress on Rogan's show. he said, basically, 'I can summarize what you think about my position in a way that you can agree with; you can't do the same for me. Want to take that bet?' that's a perfect way to handle an encounter like this. Peterson is good at formulating his own criticisms to what dipshit undergrads can parrot of the big guys, but he can't really formulate the positions of the big guys themselves, because they're at odds with his own perspective.

and it would be fine if he left it at that, and simply said, i don't give a fuck about those guys. but it's just silly to say shitty things about people you haven't read and can't explain. this is my only real beef with JBP, who otherwise seems like a pretty nice guy who has admirable composure in handling shitty interviews and much else.

>> No.12220399 [View]
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>> No.12187467 [View]
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>> No.12183900 [View]
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this desu

>> No.12117194 [View]
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BAAASED nomad philosophy

pythagoras a warmachine on the steppe

>> No.12082692 [DELETED]  [View]
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post peak bloomer philosophers

>> No.12081343 [View]
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>becomes a bear
Rawr xD

>> No.11966894 [View]
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Just what the fuck is a Rhizome, BwO etc. EXACTLY?

I can't find a single fucking place that will break down these concepts without losing me completely in the first sentence

>> No.11911237 [View]
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toppest of keks

>> No.11816542 [View]
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>> No.11693643 [View]
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Since Deleuze is a thing now, why don't we create a reading order chart about him?

>> No.11676658 [View]
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hi everyone im new!!!! *holds up rhizome* my name is giles but u can call me T3H B0dY W1tH0uT 0RgANs. as you can see im very nomadic!!!! thats why i came here 2 meet nomadic people like me _... I'm 50 years old (im dead for my age tho!!) i like to read spinoza (im neovitalist if you dont like it deal w/it) he is our favorite author!! bcuz its SOOOO panenhenic. Felix is deleuzian 2 of course but i want 2 meet more deleuzian people =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!
N0MaDiSM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein deleuzian again _^ hehe…toodles!!!!!

love and rhizomes,

T3H B0dY W1tH0uT 0RgANs

>> No.11625304 [View]
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>> No.11578770 [View]
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>> No.11551876 [View]
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*chuckle* pretty good senpai

>> No.11548812 [View]
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hi everyone im new!!!! *holds up rhizome* my name is giles but u can call me T3H B0dY W1tH0uT 0RgANs. as you can see im very nomadic!!!! thats why i came here 2 meet nomadic people like me _... I'm 50 years old (im young for my age tho!!) i like to read spinoza (im neovitalist if you dont like it deal w/it) he is our favorite author!! bcuz its SOOOO panenhenic. he is deleuzian 2 of course but i want 2 meet more deleuzian people =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!
NOMADISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein deleuzian again _^ hehe…toodles!!!!!

love and rhizomes,

T3H B0dY W1tH0uT 0RgANs

>> No.10910600 [View]
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what does /lit/ think about Gilles Deleuze?

>> No.10398986 [View]
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Whats up with people incessantly shilling this anti-semitic propaganda?

I just finished the Enchiridion and its a pretty good introductory text for stoicism. Helped me frame my thoughts better and worry about less shit.

Currently reading Alan Watts' Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are and while its watered down eastern spirituality its a pleasant read which is helping me connnect myself to the world or 'ground of being'.

The most impactful book I've read recently is Deleuze's Spinoza: Practical Philosophy. It helped me cut out things and ideas which 'decompose' me and to reorient myself towards things and ideas which increase my power of action and joy. It's also a great introduction to Deleuze. Can't wait to start his book on Nietzsche.

I highly recommend Mortimer J. Adler's How to Read a Book if you want to get more out of your reading and How to Speak How to Listen if you suck at social interaction like me.

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