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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.12644031 [View]
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>> No.30431 [View]
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>> No.8090728 [View]
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>> No.7236434 [View]
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And then one evening it had aimlessly become one of the young friars. This was a new sensation, strangely rich and complex, and at the same time unbearably stifling, as though every other possibility besides that of being enclosed in a tiny, isolated world of cause and effect had been removed forever. As the friar, it had gone and stood in the window, looking out at the sky, seeing for the first time, not the stars, but the space between and beyond them. Even at that moment it had felt the urge to leave, to step outside the little shell of anguish where it lodged for the moment, but a faint curiosity had impelled it to remain a little longer and partake a little further of the unaccustomed sensation. It held on; the friar raised his arms to the sky in an imploring gesture. For the first time the Atlájala sensed opposition, the thrill of a struggle. It was delicious to feel the young man striving to free himself of its presence, and it was immeasurably sweet to remain there. Then with a cry the friar had rushed to the other side of the room and seized a heavy leather whip hanging on the wall. Tearing off his clothing he had begun to carry out a ferocious self-beating. At the first blow of the lash the Atlájala had been on the point of letting go, but then it realized that the immediacy of that intriguing inner pain was only made more manifest by the impact of the blows from without, and so it stayed and felt the young man grow weak under his own lashing. When he had finished and said a prayer, he crawled to his pallet and fell asleep weeping, while the Atlájala slipped out obliquely and entered into a bird which passed the night sitting in a great tree on the edge of the jungle, listening intently to the night sounds, and uttering a scream from time to time.

>> No.7187690 [View]
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i legit did not know the tinychat still existed, the last time I was on it was like 3 years ago

returning to the subject at hand, it's p shitty that /lit/ doesn't recognize Bowles, and I'm assuming it's the shitposters whining about tinychat that voted no on that poll, so I probably will go through with a daily; or as often as I remember to do it

won't be able to start on the poetry though until I get back my poetry anthology that I lent to my jewish pulmonologist 5 months ago and he still hasn't returned

>> No.2660488 [View]
File: 81 KB, 1043x671, 1000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't exist. Sorry, cyberpunk had a very poor shelf life in literature

>> No.2650289 [View]
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Obligatory. I'm still irate they never changed it

Don't bother with the sequels, sprawl trilogy gets trashy really fast. The sad thing about cyberpunk is while it took off everywhere outside of literature, the actual source seems to have died prematurely.

Read Mirrorshades perhaps? It isn't exactly top tier either, but what can I say.

>> No.2606305 [View]
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>> No.2465091 [View]
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Nah, I was the peon who posted the 100000 get and other shenanigans. I remember the historian however, he was great

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