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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.18862577 [View]
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>> No.17605196 [View]
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its not finished? the fuck theres like 8 700 pages books as far as i know

>> No.17391389 [View]
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What are some examples of anticonfluential literature, /lit/?

Anticonfluentialism is "characterized by a stubborn and possibly intentionally irritating refusal of different narrative lines to merge in any kind of meaningful confluence."

In simpler terms, anticonfluentialism is when a book plot has several separate story lines and points of view, which the reader is given to expect to intersect eventually, joining a greater centralised plot in the "big picture" of the setting, but instead these subplots never intersect at all, and their characters never meet. This idea exists in defiance of the narrative tendency to coax readers to willingly suspend disbelief at the unlikelihood of a given set of characters encountering one another, because it is normalised in literature that it is narratively necessary for all subplots in a story to converge on one eventual arch-plot.

>> No.12640847 [View]
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read a long turned to shit in under one thread. im impressed

>> No.11908073 [View]
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>y-yeah that new popular thing is total shit. people only read it cause they think its smart for them to read it and not because its something they enjoy. r-right?

>> No.10796220 [View]
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>what have you accomplished so far?
read book of the new sun. great book
>what are you currently reading?
nothing. what should i read?
i could start
>way of kings
>wheel of time
but im open to other suggestions.

>> No.10572726 [View]
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me too. i just wish i could find someone who even has a middling interest to play against

>> No.10256207 [View]
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did david foster wallace kill himself because of this fucking interview?

>> No.10132348 [View]
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I haven't finished my meme masterpiece yet

>> No.10014957 [View]
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>IJ sucks. DFW sucks

>> No.9758587 [View]
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I'm ill and I've got nothing to read. Any suggestions for light, short reads? Preferably some horror or mystery short stories.
What do you guys like to read when you're sick?

>> No.9162061 [View]
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>> No.9160632 [View]
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>Chemistry and physics have excellent job perspective, but you need a grad degree.
>>i have no idea what i'm talking about so let me post something retarded to get some (You)'s
>Here you go. No go sort your life out.
>I was a math major myself

>> No.9149193 [View]
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>LIT is actually a pomo board.

>> No.9115300 [View]
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>Unironically using reddit

>> No.9104426 [View]
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the math doesn't add up..

>> No.9072960 [View]
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>> No.9002587 [View]
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dude irony died in 1983

>> No.8955003 [View]
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doing gods work anon

keep spreadig the good news

>> No.8924366 [View]
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>putting up with complete idiot coworkers and supervisors.

>> No.8908781 [SPOILER]  [View]
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>> No.8899641 [View]
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gets confirm

>> No.8863192 [View]
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>First off, that's a form of cancer, not a musical group.

>> No.8833150 [View]
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>coming on /lit/ for anything other than shitposting

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