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>> No.11107854 [View]
File: 37 KB, 500x492, 2014-07-20-theworldisnotenough-lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quality effortposting.

>isn't that just a sentiment of disgust for the state of anxiety that is produced when needing to make meaning while being exhausted by the abundance of meaning to select from in this world if we are too burnt to make our own sacrifice?

yes. yes it is.

>The violence of consensus is also the supreme joy of enacted revenge isn't it, like that scene in Germinal when the group of women rip the dick off that mine bossman.
it's certainly one aspect of it. girard is not ambiguous on this point: scapegoating is effective only if it is unconscious. we do not call it scapegoating, we call it justice. not unlike zizek. it works when we don't see it.

it's a hard line, and we can raise a lot of questions about it. the point is not to be nihilists w/r/t to the law, only to take the Pause That Refreshes when we decide to enact justice in ways that are violently reciprocal.

>Burnout presupposes agency and desire for alpha agency, godlikeness in intent, burnout of conformity, but I think I see less burnout because of the relation to achievement society and more burnout due to the relation of the civilisation to environmental and cultural variables that don't provide enough resources to be able to satisfy deep underlying unsatisfied desires such as infinite power, omniscience, ectera.

but perhaps that's the case because alpha agency basically produces the phenomenon of zero-sum scarcity itself. and even that in and of itself isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it is part of the general question we're talking about. there are those for whom the world is not enough. sometimes these people are heroes. even when they aren't heroes they're fascinating. some of them may be ubermenschen. the world is often richer for having them in it. and we are going to continue to advance into a world in which the horizons between gods and men are effaced. i won't deny that some part of me feels an absolute thrill when i think about it. but then there's another part that lives IRL and has to fucking deal with the consequences of this. my spec-fiction side and my rent-paying side don't often get along in this regard.

alpha agency is a thing to think about for sure. much is contributed to human culture by the heroic exception. mediocristan is a suboptimal outcome for any liberal democracy. there's a pretty complex balancing act here. but of course you know all of this already, so i won't belabor it.

>we absurdly don't let this dissonant conception interfere with the pragmatic agreements we make in conforming however temporary to an ideology in order to enact the joyful violence of consensus.

we do not. because *total consensus hides the violence completely and transforms it into something other than what it actually is.* the tomb becomes the foundational altar for the civilization which commits the deed and worships the subsequent deity. and the guy who intuited this better than any man alive was rene noel theophile girard.

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