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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.21360799 [View]
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There's nothing better than walking around my university library with a list of books to seek out while listening to music. Whenever I have the chance an hour or two before class I just parous around the different levels and look up a specific author or find something off one of the charts that I've never heard of.

Today it was Houellebecq's Submission, Cortazar's Hopscotch, Bely's Petersburg, and the Phenomenology of Spirit. The latter especially got me hooked, but it's too bad all books are due soon for winter break. I feel like trying to dive into Hegel on my own with supplemental lectures is at least doable. There's not a whole lot of philosophy classes that I see listed in any areas dealing with heavy metaphysics. I'm still sort of new to philosophy but what I was reading in Hegel wasn't really that difficult for me to understand (the idea that we shouldn't "trust" our inherent mistrust of the absolute through the medium, as that distortion is all we can know, that fundamental distrust of the distortion is a presupposition we should change, etc.". If there's any greater fundamental lectures on Hegel ya'll know, I'd love to have those in preparation for my dive next semester.

I'm not a philosophy or English student, I'm into STEM but have a love for literature and philosophy, but there is some room for higher level general education courses I can take in that department.

I do have an interest in free-writing, creative writing, I write for my uni's newspaper, but they've been way to slow getting things out. The focus is much more in favor of breaking news than something like submitting a poem or even just an opinion piece. I wrote an author review/recommendation that took about a month and a half to get processed as it was labeled an "evergreen story", meaning that compared to whichever dumb sorority chick vomited frat bro steve the other day gets priority. It's not like anyone on campus reads the newspaper anyway, at least not for current events. They might as well facilitate some way for people to write creatively for, but definitely lighter than a dissertation or undergraduate thesis for a journal or something.

Otherwise, I come in here every so often, I've read about 43 books this year out of the original 30 I had as a goal. I go back to Germany to visit relatives this winter and am bringing the trial/the cast with me, as well as ulysses once I finish dubliners and portrait of the artist. I might read the odyssey and I might just look up some informal abstract just to know the structure. I'm not opposed to a full reading, but I want to read Ulysses for the prose moreso than for the plot anyway. I'll probably look into some companion from the library or go to the joyce-wiki for a summary after each section or reserve all the analysis all-together for a second read later. Anyways, I turn 21 in about a month, things are definitely getting older around here. Might as well read while ya can, ya'll have a good holiday.

>> No.21006612 [View]
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Cheers, Anon. I hope you're having a nice night

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