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>> No.12018483 [View]
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so, early thoughts:

Land is the fucking best. he's the fucking best. he's the greatest thing ever. who's making philosophy great again more than him? between Stiegler and Land you have an unironic direct hotline between Heraclitus and Greek mythology that goes all the way through Marx and then on into the 23rd century like a laser beam. all the way. no need for infinite critical theory madness or any of that any more, it served its purpose and historical mandate, which was to basically raise the very real possibility of a world becoming completely covered in a slimy stew of highly erotic alien fungus. wicked.

and by the way, how perfect is this image. Nyx on the left for Deirdre and Uncle Nick on the right for Morgan. seriously. i don't make these things up, i'm just the messenger. sometimes the universe just sends you messages.

anyways. between Heidegger and Land you are absolutely, wholly and not partially boots on the ground again in terms of whether or not philosophy is for real or not. it unquestionably is, and thank god for that. we all developed some kind of insane psychic allergy to language and representation in the late 20C that, perhaps, was necessary, but today it seems much more the case that some understanding of the power of meme-magic is in order, so that we don't blow ourselves to pieces in our state of Maximal Triggering over the cultural effects of capitalism on the world, civilization, and our psyche.

it doesn't really take all that much imagination to derive Girardian conclusions or consequences for political correctness and idpol today, it really doesn't. you can lose you mind speculating on all of this stuff and i actually do recommend that you do so, because it will be Interesting. and yet too much interesting will fucking destroy your world also. not that it's your fault; look at Peterson, he knows what's going on. he knows that there is a leviathan of bitterness and ressentiment, and it has created an absolute circuit between academia, entertainment, journalism, and government, and it has an Imperial OS entirely of its own, as softly hegemonic as ever there was. it was being built before you got here and if it doesn't collapse the ceiling on its way down it will live on long after, and go on becoming ever more hysterical until there is some kind of Rectification of Names about the whole thing.

Land is a colorful guy, but you can't say he hasn't brought philosophy back from the dead, and placed the best parts of it way beyond the control of well-meaning ideologues.

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