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>> No.16358897 [View]
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The book literally shits down on any imperative morality and very explicitly says to follow the desire of your ego. I dont know if your reading comprehension is fucked or not since this topic always makes women mald, but i never said that he talks about rape, but rather that his ideas do favor rape if that is the desire of your ego.

>Wahh wahh you must be underage if you think rape is cool, Stirner was a humanist
Pure malding.

>> No.13945987 [View]
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Stirner is better than him imo. Also Nietzsche's philosophy is based around Stirner's ideas.

>> No.13901281 [View]
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They dont tell you do not do those things and judge people based around race if you feel like to.
They just say that there is no real imperative around it and in fact judging people around race or nationality is something that plebs normally do and a real leader with will to power doesnt restrict himself with things like nationality and race.

>I will also rape who I please, take what I wish, and act always in my own interest
You can already do this whenever you want, just dont try to get caught by the authority.
>I have no care what society and its arbitrary values are. all that matters is if my will is superior to its will
Yes they affirm that many times.
>no, I will politely put an end to myself before being captured
>yes, and? did not Nietzsche reassure us that there is nothing after this life and that the soul is dead before the body? so then I leave after having my fill, enjoying all the pleasures and circumventing any retribution for my actions
They dont tell you to do otherwise, if your will is to self destruct then go kill yourself.

>> No.13504955 [View]
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based and Uniquepilled

>> No.13384611 [View]
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to get wrekt by Stirner

>> No.13382179 [View]
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Its not simply a idea that gives you fear, but a idea or a principle that is not by defenition in your self interest because it requires to have a higher essence than the individual.
A idea may scare you because it is not on your self interest and doesnt give you power, its as simple as that.
A spook is almost always a moral idea that tries to block you from achieving the goals you desire because it is on your mind telling you that its "objectively wrong" to break it so. Also despite the spooks not being on your self interest by defenition that doesnt mean that your self interest cant allign with them. A spook only really becomes one when you are no longer conscious of it. And so the conscious egoist ackowledges this and sees he can easily dispose it when its no longer in his self interest, thus never creating boundaries. Thats when you know that make the idea your property and not the reverse.

Anyway, this thread is ~80% cringy guys making it out that spooks and "overcoming" spooks is some self improvement shit like nofap.

>> No.13096729 [View]
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Yes, its really good and it was very ahead of its time. Even today among the common pleb.
If you also want to understand Nietzsche better then you should also read Stirner as Nietzsche is mostly a "continuation" of stirner.

>> No.12650457 [View]
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Stirner isn't consumed in pills, he's snorting material.

>> No.6929030 [View]
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Not him but discrimination is a spook. As in, differing between things is merely making use of conceptual references to phenomena that are not necessarily differentiated except for by our conceptual thought. One or many, one or the other, this or that are just labels we apply. So is dualism in general, or even monism for that matter. When you stop differentiating conceptually between things there is neither one nor many, this or that, neither wholeness or separation. Distinctions like everything and nothing simply fall away the moment you stop making them. Differentiation is a constant act, a mental process, not something inherent in the observed.

>> No.5706864 [View]
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>there is no authentic human being. understand that and move on
You're pretty much paraphrasing Stirner himself. He criticised the fixed idea of a particular interpretation of "humanity" and the notion that we should live up to that. Striving for authenticity is merely serving yet another ideal, another form of alienation.Trying to be true to yourself is trying to be true to a certain idea of yourself, that is not yourself, because the self isn't an idea.

>> No.5364288 [View]
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Too few have yet seen, too few have noticed, too few have thought of the light which was present for over hundred and fifty years by now, overshadowed by the dwarfs of ignorance, neglected by false priests, not recognized as the aurora from a distant source and level of lucidity, but sensed as aether, ever present as a concealed antithesis to every movement of thought of dogma and slavery, a bulwark of criticism, with ever more vanishing frontiers. What can be a stirnerian position more than a position of pure negativity, of dissolution, being overcome in the process of grasping the weight bearing on ones own uniqueness through itself, mediated by oneself.

>> No.5263647 [View]
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