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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22916786 [View]
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We need a new neo-Renaissance man to arise, who, like they did in the old Renaissance, thinks Latin is serious business but does not treat it as a dead language, which culminates in him using it as an elite auxiliary language that he employs with great joy and gusto to talk to his fellow autistic intellectuals, penning great works in it that will provide an impetus for other intellectuals to learn the language in order to engage with the growing corpus of works and cultural momentum of this group of fellows, thereby continually expanding said group while still maintaining the filtration necessary to keep its output high-brow and worthwhile.
Doesn't this describe basically every classical language used as a high cultural register throughout history, e.g. Latin, Sanskrit, Classical Chinese? Have we simply become too egalitarian and, hence, too concerned with accessibility (retards must read!)?

>> No.22896391 [View]
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Because I am truly an intellect

>> No.22356742 [View]
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It really depends.

Longfellow kept the triple line scheme when he translated the divine comedy, so I try my hardest to pause at the end of the line and think about the emphasis of the last word used.

But Jason and the Argonauts, the penguin version I read was in verse form, and I just read that all the way through with no pauses because the paragraph rules were not as rigid as the first book I mentioned, and most of the time the Greek epic poems were spoken not read.

Poetry is awesome, but yeah it's almost a second language within a language.

>> No.22135710 [View]
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Pretty good definitions here, stabbing at something underneath
But we should be careful to give the intellectual too much credit here
Also one man's intellectual is another man's pseud
The intellectual is rarely the "recluse who nobly does his work alone for no credit or recognition but purely love of the subject"

The pseud however clearly wants to get to the bottom of an issue, enough to utilize it for whatever purpose he needs and no further
An intellectual is an autist who can't turn that part of their brain off and say "ok this is enough knowledge" for whatever given topic

>> No.22125600 [View]
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Read Chumbley

>> No.22089555 [View]
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I'm going to try to do them by memory just as a vocab exercise
>calliope - Greek goddess/musical instrument
>aplomb - self-confidence
>bonze - ?
>integument - hard outer covering
>synchrony - at the same time
>forsooth - indeed
>limpid - clear
>diachrony - through time
>pthisis - ?
>dolorous - sorrowful
>ineluctability - inevitability
>maladroit - incapable
>selenology - ?
>lacunary - having gaps
>obdurate - stubborn
>pithiness - the quality of being terse
>semiology - semiotics
>crime - ?
>tureen - soup dish
>larder - pantry
>excoriate - rub away/rebuke sharply
>soughed - ?
>opprobrium - harsh criticism
>commensurately - appropriately wrt size/order
>soporifically - boring to the point of putting one to sleep
>inimical - harmful
>bonhomie - good friend? good man?
>vertiginious - extremely high, so as to cause vertigo
>proprioception - ?
>ineluctably - inevitably
>amanuensis - ?
>mawkish - overly sentimental
>piscine - of fish
>rectilinearity - the quality of straight lines
>bailiwick - jurisdiction of a bailiff
>coda - conclusion to a piece of work
>lepidopterist - one who studies butterflies
>convalescence - recuperation, typically from illness
>brachiated - ?
>preternaturally - extraordinarily, beyond naturally
>suzerainty - one's dominion
>comely - handsome
>parvenu - upstart
>sine qua non - necessary condition
>specie - form/hard money (gold)
>insouciant - casual, uncaring
>chicanery - trickery
>inchoate - nascent, in its early stages
>fullerene - carbon allotrope (I think)
>dialectical - of logical discussion, opposing forces
>susurrus - ?
>vituperation - verbal abuse
>traducers - slanderers
>equanimity - calmness
>apposite - proper
>sanguinary - bloodthirsty
>alacrity - enthusiasm
>genuflection - bowing in deference
>imprimatur - ?
>sotto voce - quiet voice
>cognoscenti - the intellectual as a class
>palimpsest - an appended/reused manuscript
>riposte - counter reply
>claptrap - nonsense
>parochial - narrow outlook
>spoliation - ruining
>atavistic - primal
>profligacy - reckless extravagance
>lumpenproletariats - rogueish lower classes
>chiliastic - millenarian
>vacillate - to be indecisive
>dialectial - of logical discussion
>avaricious - greedy

>> No.21810469 [View]
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>gutting the liberal arts
This was the big mistake. Universities hypertrophied to 100x their proper size and since you can't fake math, reading and writing took the hit. We could have maintained standards! We could have kept our culture! But the money was too good. The GI Bill made it inevitable that papers written in Ebonix would just be your troof, king

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