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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20884355 [View]
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>But virtue isn't a boolean value, there are degrees of virtue just as there are degrees of holiness.
I would disagree, and say that every action is either virtuous or unvirtuous. Anselm taught that to sin requires Free Will. And the Will wills things that produce happiness/pleasure or justice. So a rational person can only be happy by being moral, sense it is irrational to do what one knows is wrong. The fall of the Devil was due to him willing happiness without rectitude.
Anselm was arguing in the vein of Augustine that evil is the absence of good. So bad people are just lacking in goodness, and should be shown pity.

The most important thing about virtuous actions is intention. Matthew 5:8, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God."
Thats why the Desert fathers spent their lives purifying themselves from logismoi ("Evil" thoughts that would lead to sin). I think they would argue that Justice is God's domain and one shouldn't assume to know what is it right by Him, by I'm not unsure where I read that so I cant give you a quote.

My underlying reasoning is that one would be alleviating the symptoms of a disease instead of curing it. A doctor would just be prolonging a patients suffering if he did that, instead of removing the cause of his suffering
Mencius 4B2
>Zichan,1 when he was in charge of the government of Zheng, used his own carriage to convey people across the Chen and Wei rivers. Mencius said, “He was kind, but he did not understand the practice of government. When the footbridges are completed in the eleventh month and the carriage bridges in the twelfth month of each year,2 the people will not have the difficulty of having to wade across. The gentleman should practice government equitably. When he travels, he may have people cleared from his path. How can he convey each person across the river? If one who governs tries to please each person, the day will not be sufficient for him to do his work.”

>> No.12878344 [DELETED]  [View]
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What do conservatives read?
Do they even read?
Why do they have the most unappealing label?

Hippies are more conservative and trad than "conservatives"
>Want to save forests, animals, atmosphere, hate modern superficiality, hate flexing wealth/status, hate capitalistic greed, eat naturally, live naturally and have children instead of being lifeless neet pol trap-obsessed incels

>> No.11254061 [View]
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There's nothing sincere about it, all modern anime is nothing more than formulaic pandering to the stereotypical neets base desires, because these same neets are the ones who buy all the meaningless merchandise and post about it on the internet

Its all a deplorable feedback loop of degeneracy, and I fear we are nowhere close to peak autism

Also you cant be a fan of the current state of anime and be a true follower of Christianity or just about any religion for the reasons I just stated earlier

>> No.10940505 [View]
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Post your favorite short research papers, pdfs, stories, books, journals, essays.. anything.

I love printing out short stuff (like under 50 pgs max - mostly around 10-20 pgs) and reading them. What I do is to print 6 or 9 pages to each A4, so it's economical.

•On Self-Respect by Didion
•Tao Te Ching
•Guts by Palahniuk
•Madman & The Prophet by Gibran
•Orhan Pamuk & Faulkner's Nobel Speeches
•Languange of Birds by Guenon
•This is Water by DFW
•Bullet in the Brain by Wolff
•Peter Bevelin Interview from Farnam Street
•The Flinch by Julien Smith
•Wit and Wisdom of Lee Kuan Yew
•Golden Verses of Pythagoras
•The Luck Factor by Wiseman
•A Clean, Well-Lighted Place

These are my favorites, for now.
You can easily find any of them online, if you're insterested to talk about them or can't find them, write here.

Let's hear, what are yours?

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