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>> No.15781667 [View]
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Right wing Pagans tend to reject prayer because they either don't think Pagans prayed to the Gods, they find the act of prayer to be submissive and unlikely to be respected by the Gods, or both. I think the meme that Pagans didn't pray in modern paganism comes from Stephen McNallen. I don't know if it is true (in his case, he was only talking about Nordic Paganism), but there's an argument brewing about it. As for there being people of differing political views in neopaganism, this is accommodated by polytheism affirming the diversity of reality and the ways in which reality is, or appears to be in conflict or flux with itself, so paganism is for every type of person. If for no other reason, the opposite view is needed to restrain the excesses of the other view. Women will naturally have to submit to men, so the manlier side of Paganism would win out in a normal society (which we are not in right now, and Pagan femoids displaying their retardation is an effect of that). Paganism attracts weird people in general, but the fact that most of the left pagans are women and most of the right pagans are men does reflect the reality of political views, sex, and masculinity/femininity, though in both cases they are extreme manifestations because "extreme" people are generally attracted to Paganism today, because it is outside of normal thought. There was a time when normal people were Pagan though, and when most people were farmers, it would have intuitively made sense to worship the sky and the earth directly rather than the God of the whole, as in a Monotheist or Brahmanic sense, which most people don't understand anyway. In that sense I think Paganism is ultimately a more normie-friendly religion, taken out of the current context.

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