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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23287728 [View]
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>> No.22776304 [View]
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somebody had to edit this.

>> No.22555157 [View]
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im thinking about reading infinite jest
anyone here read it? what did you think of it?

>> No.22545340 [View]
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>multiple chapters about fathers raping their children

>> No.22493706 [View]
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worth reading?

>> No.22254342 [View]
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Meme book but made me kek more than anything else I've read. Favorite parts are Hal's phone conversations with Orin, reminds me of the way me and my older brother talk to each other. Lenz's schizo POV chapters were funny too.

>> No.22211588 [View]
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Avril rapes her son, Orin.

>> No.22148074 [View]
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>> No.21791661 [View]
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Just because it's deep doesn't mean it's good.

>> No.20662018 [View]
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>> No.20607623 [View]
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my government gave me some money to spend on culture stuff
i want to get back to reading like i used to, what are some essential books to get started?
i mostly liked sci-fi but i wouldn't mind reading some classic novels too

>> No.20598725 [View]
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>> No.20579527 [View]
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What's your favorite book you pretend to have read?

>> No.19830189 [View]
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People knew in the 2000s what the seminal book of the 90s was. Do we now know what the seminal book of the 2000s was? There was a lot of consensus back then apparently that it was Infinite Jest, so it's rather weird that there's no such consensus for the 2000s. Could it be that the internet was actually the final nail in the coffin for literature, that what function literature served as the media of serious artistic expression has become lost now and is to be found again--somewhere else, most likely?

>> No.19804321 [View]
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>> No.19114451 [View]
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What is the complete list of novel gimmicks and are there any out there that nobody's done yet?
>last sentence of the book leads into first sentence of the book
>entire book is one sentence
>entire book is one day
>intercalary chapters
>inserting non-fiction chapters in the middle of the story

>> No.19064232 [View]
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ITT: things that exist in literature.
>German theatrical company Hebbel am Ufer produced a 24-hour avant-garde open-air theatre adaptation of Infinite Jest in 2012

>> No.18720599 [View]
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>1079 pages
I honestly can't even be bothered reading all that shit

>> No.18447841 [View]
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Why is there a plethora of literary science fiction but almost no literary fantasy (not including magical realism) and hardly any literary horror after the 1800s?

>> No.18309867 [DELETED]  [View]
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Need it or keep it?

>> No.17649444 [View]
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I don't know what you mean by "Lynchian," but Lynch was a big influence on David Foster Wallace. There are some scenes in Infinite Jest that definitely feel like they could fit into one of his films.

>> No.17295651 [View]
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I'm going trough it alright and am at like page 250, but it's harder for me to enjoy the book as much as other thicker ones. War and Peace for me picked up around a 5th of the way. 2666, Moby Dick and Dostoyevsky were enjoyable trough and trough. The prose of IJ is enjoyable enough but I feel like I might be missing something. Am I just a plot cuck that doesn't get good prose?

>> No.17162956 [View]
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i'll add infinite jest because this is /lit/ but this discussion doesn't really need it, I just like this board better than /b/ (plus i dont think i can post there anymore for some reason??). I've been thinking a lot about the nature of competition while rereading infinite jest or more specifically what your self when competing can say about your normal self. The psychology of competition seems to be something interesting that I have not really explored at all so idk if there even really is much to explore.

If we look at the transformation of self when one competes what is there that we can see? It seems that the competitive mode of the self is something entirely distinct from the regular mode. One can go from a relatively carefree person to tense in a second if their competitive mode hates to lose. is the transformation back from this competitive mode to a more regular mode something that one can truly leave behind fully? Do they bring back any of that hatred of losing with them? How does it manifest? wrote too much, so tired

>> No.17080374 [View]
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The most memed book on here is burgerpunk

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