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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.18748427 [View]
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Books on the ethics of sex/orgasm?

>> No.16578384 [View]
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>> No.8989079 [View]
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1984 because as I got older it grew more complex, it both taught me how to read as a kid and never became juvenile as an adult. It's a good delusion, love story, societal critique, warning, and parable. I think it's overplayed as /reddit/ and a children's book on /lit/, as I would agree with most books lumped into that category (Ender's Game, Hitchhikers, Vonnegut), and most intelligent teenagers have already read 1984 by the age of 16, but I think I'd enjoy it equally as much after moving on to works written in higher style and more grandiose ambitions.

Also, on its style, I think it is the most effective use of middle style in a novel.

>> No.8986167 [View]
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I voted for Melancholy of Resistance because it's probably the greatest modern masterpiece since Gravity's Rainbow (with the exception of his other book, Satantango). However, it's not very long, and not extremely difficult to follow, so I don't know how much it lends itself to a group reading.

The Road is an excellent book but is at a high school reading level. The themes expressed are obviously very complex and adult, but a group reading is extremely unnecessary. It's like a group reading of a Hemingway novel.

I have read most of the books /lit/ has been doing lately (War & Peace, Iliad, etc.) but I really like it when you guys knock out the 1200 page epics. I wouldn't mind joining in for one of those, if you decide on one (please not Underworld, DFW, or Don Delillo).

>> No.8873403 [View]
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Jesus that was my first thought too. I would imagine it's worth reading just so I can delicately wrap my hands around that little bo(okcover)dy.

>> No.8770883 [View]
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What an awful thread, but yes, Krasznahorkai doesn't get mentioned much on /lit/ because the board got overrun with people from r/books and /tv/, the Marxist Catholics fled to /his/ and only the DFW posters were dumb enough to remain.

He's in the ranks of the most profound living novelists. Satantango your first novel by him? Melancholy of Resistance is incredible too, as is War and War, and each are extremely different than the previous book.

I didn't relate to the peasants at all; I thought they were all very wicked people. However, it is probably the most enjoyable novel I have read in years (same with Melancholy, but I read them back to back).

I really think he will become increasingly more recognized with history. Can't speak enough good things about him, honestly.

>> No.8647304 [View]
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>19 replies
>11 posters

>> No.8440279 [View]
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>> No.8350736 [View]
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>dallas, tx
>24/7 by jonathan crary

>> No.8107706 [View]
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Who uses Twitter?

>> No.7818927 [View]
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"You can read this book, or eat all of these eggs. You're free to scream but nobody will hear you."

>> No.7408220 [View]
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I wouldn't call it "self-help," though I would recommend it to someone who's looking for self-help books. Basically he makes a case for how one can find ways to live in a world without objective values that's terribly compelling and interesting.

I grew up in a church and school that studied the Bible and church history the way kids who want to be Rabbis study the Torah and Talmud, that is to say, every day with intensity. Go choke on your "sage, mature Christian," beard-stroking.

>> No.7345332 [View]
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>God is a vengeance-hungry, emotionally manipulative force to rival anything from a Lovecraft story. He cares about your genitals more than anything and demands blood to get anything done. People are so afraid of him that they try to sugarcoat his nature, like a victim of Stockholm Syndrome. These people have a ton of power and are the majority of your society.
Wow I feel so much better now.

It was though. They wanted to go out in flames and be remembered. I think most people would recognize their MO and even their appearance. School shooters are pretty much all copycats, and while Klebold and Harris weren't the first in their line, they're the ones who stick in the popular imagination. They'd probably be less of a role model for future killers if they'd survived and gone full autism on national television. As it is, we remember them with their hats on backwards, chest rigs on Gucci, mowing down their classmates with what looks like nonchalance in survivor accounts and security footage.

>> No.7202154 [View]
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>generation after generation of Americans sallies forth into the unknown with their guns, wives and bibles.
>they slaughter their opposition and develop political ideologies far more individualistic and liberal than could be found on the coasts (women got the vote first in Utah and western states fiercely resisted becoming slave states)
>fasforward to 21st century
>coastal smug-shits mock and belittle these peoples' descendents for valuing their wives, guns and autonomy
>"Holy shit they're getting super mad where did that come from?! Fucking radicals!"

>> No.7201019 [View]
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