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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.8322650 [View]
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What does /lit/ think of Thug Notes?


>inb4 it's lit af fampai

Also leftist theory general since we don't have one right now, pic related.

>> No.8111427 [View]
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>where did this left/right shit even come from? what do pro-social-mobility high-welfare totalitarians sit any more? ive seen SJW's call zizek a fascist and someone today called orwell right wing. fml
pic related. It's a device of class rule meant to cyclically divert discontent and opposition.

My issue with intersectionality is how it postulates all these structures independent of, and not caused by, class rule and coercive material relations. Which then "intersect" not only non--additively but non-monotonically to produce paradoxical effects (historically the lesbian experience vs the gay male experience, esp. in the nazi state) and handwave away issues such as the disporoportionate homophobic and transphobic attitudes among blacks and latinos, "hypermasculine" honor cultures and genuine patriarchial rape cultures under Islam. And then retroactively invents its own evidence (gender wage gap) and denies other pieces of evidence in order to create a wholly false narrative of oppression that couldn't possibly be explained by materialism and class rule.

It's really the liberal version of the rightist /idpol/ we've seen historically: your low wages are the fault of immigrants who force you into competition by being exploited for lower wages and worse working conditions, or the foreigners having factories and jobs outsorced to them for cheaper than at home, rather than the contradictions of global, free-moving capital and local, geographically constrained labor. Except now it's men and whites keeping women and PoC down.
Howard Zinn's peoples' history of the us does an excellent job of explaining how all these cases of historical identity oppression came from class rule, from even before the advent of pan-whiteness as a concept. David North's book on postmodernism and the pseudo-left is a fairly academic defense of the materialist view against contemporary assaults

/pol/ has a lot of good ideas. Anti-globalism, economic nationalism, support for Assad over the islamists, opposition to mass immigration/importation of cultures hostile to secular liberal deocratic values, etc. are all worthy realpolitik goals for where we are right now. But at the same time, they're at best short term solutions built on spooks that treat symptoms and not causes. The only real way forward in perpetuity is a revolutionary movement of the working class. But an alliance of convenience is quite appropriate, and can help hold them accountable to their rhetoric of cultural libertarianism over their desire to purge "degeneracy" when and if they do take power.

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