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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.15782438 [View]
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>When you haven't touched another human being in over a decade and some zoomer starts telling you about how alienated his generation is

>> No.15513286 [View]
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What are some books about (or written by) people who ruined their life through inaction.

>> No.15129861 [View]
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So how's the PhD thesis coming along, /lit/? Mine's in the usual rut.

>> No.15061544 [View]
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I’m afraid none of them are memorable enough, I just remember always watching with a straight face. I genuinely enjoy silly and slapstick humour, many of my favourite comedies are far from “intelligent” but something about the Simpson’s humour has always seemed to me like only an early pubescent or Bart simpson would find genuinely funny beyond the occasional exhalation of air from the nose
No I am not

>> No.15053516 [View]
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>> No.14959445 [View]
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What philosophy will help me cope with being circumcised?

>> No.13286603 [View]
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I'm tired /lit/.
I'm so sick of this obsession with labels these days, trying to neatly pigeonhole history and ideas so morons can pick and choose, categorize them. Modernism, Modernity, Post-Modernism, Postmodernity, who fucking cares. Everything since the French revolution has been one disaster after another, whether physical, through politics, philosophy, or "the scientific method", the soul of humanity, and specifically the european soul, has been utterly eroded. "God is dead", yeah no shit, the plebean reaction to a decade of harsh rule by tyrants condemned the whole of humanity to a soulless meaningless existence. What more proof do you need to know that the mass crowd make terrible decisions for their own long term well-being. The only "true" anti-reactionary movement since that event was put down and thoroughly defeated, shamed, and destroyed. Probably rightfully so too, as they didn't even fully realise what they were fighting for and got caught up in their own brand of materialistic degeneracy.
I only remain cautiously optimistic that some kind of traditional resurgence will happen because I have to be optimistic. Otherwise I have nothing left and will end up "riding the tiger" like Evola, or worse, commit suicide.
How do I stop feeling this way? I'm so full of anger and sadness every day because I see no light at the end if the tunnel, and sometimes I doubt myself and wonder if I'm actually insane and the world is moving on without me. I thought reading more and being activem would help me get out of this rut but it hasn't, its just made it even worse. The more I read the more I see the disease spreading and I find it harder and harder to get motivation to do anything other than waste my life on this godforsaken shithole of a website talking to you folks, wasting away playing stupid video games, jacking off to get momentary relief from the headaches, jerking it while the world burns.
What can be done, friends? I feel like I'm slipping into nihilism.

>> No.12928365 [View]
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LANGAN WAS RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING: the universe is a self-computational matrix congealed out of chaos/entropy: God is a global mind precisely because he is always-already /local/, processed from the inside: Langan's telos coincides with Whitehead's: the maximization of “telic utility”: novelty, freedom, creation, the infinite evocation of energy in a void: technological progress saturating the Platonic Limit/Logos in the acid bath of unbound telesis: the Logos as a dunk tank clown, and Deleuze is calling the shots: TRANNIES ARE BEGINNING THE TRANSITION TO PHASE-SPACE:

(We use the most "calcified" star shit - iron, metals in general - to shield and protect and distract us from the void it once illuminated. Go figure.)

the death of the family and the death of gender is a micro-drama of heat death: pure freedom for those who can take it: I'm not saying NOTHING IS TRUE, I'm saying EVERYTHING IS TRUE WHERE IT IS. Genius is able flirt with this bottomlessness in things (for a time, DFW knew it, but it consumed him), it can resist obsession, that event horizon of virtual singularities, but last men cannot: last men are pure extensity, demons are pure intensity, a genius, an angel, as Hegel knows, is intensity and spread both: like a Sun whose gravity and desire for self-laceration only serve to power an inscrutable fountainhead of creation, all-knowing, all-loving. Any drop can return to the ocean, but can the drop reproduce the ocean within itself, can a symphony be played with the most diminutive of instruments?

>> No.12710437 [View]
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>tfw 25 years old on Friday
>at my age, Ernst had recieved the Iron Cross 2nd class, the Iron Cross 1st Class, Knights Cross of the Order of Hohenzollern, Gold Wound Badge, the Pour le Mérite (Blue Max), and had been promoted from rank and file rifleman to a full lieutenant.

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