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>> No.11805364 [View]
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In case this isn’t bait, let me educate you cabron.

First of all, your claim that the “most intelligent people of all time smoked tobacco” is not only historically inaccurate, but it also holds no correlation to intelligence.

Second of all, tobacco is easily the deadliest herb in history. It has essentially no pros pertaining to its effects, and has caused addiction and cancer in many a person throughout history (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1079499/).). The only positive effect is that it creates jobs for people. Shitty jobs, but jobs nonetheless.

Thirdly, you call me ignorant and then say something so ignorant as “tobacco smoke isn’t carcinogenic” (https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/publications/healthy-living/carcinogens-tobacco-smoke.html).). I can only assume you are either a holder of an executive position at a tobacco company or a baby boomer that decided to revive himself from his heart-attack induced death, crawl out of the grave, and learn how to use one of those “commie-liberal-faggot” computers just so you could spout your arrogant bullshit to someone that actually knows what they’re talking about (compared to you, anyway).

Fourthly, it doesn’t matter that tobacco-infused perfumes are “high-rated”. The fact is that tobacco smoke is harmful to one’s health and offensive to the nose. Those are the real problems with tobacco (not to mention the jaundiced staining and cigarette-litter).

Fifth, I’m fine with an all-smoking café. Just don’t try to bring that his back in public spaces and places.

By the way, my previous post was meant to be somewhat humorous in its degradation of smokers. I honestly couldn’t care less if you smoke, just don’t make me.

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