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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.12555364 [View]
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t. never read Kant
This is what undergrad pseuds say whenever their ethics 101 professor talks about Kant (which posits his ethical framework as an altruistic rather than a self-interested measure), and the professors themselves usually have read other summaries of Kant, written by people who used shit-tier translations of Kant so he appears boring and very academic; the end result is a heavily bastardized conception of Kant's ideas. The Cambridge translations of Kant are a prime example of this; it's like they were translated by an underpaid brainlet with zero interest in Kant to begin with.

Don't forget too, the Kantian academics, are often goody-little-two-shoes who started from the false premises above— if they ever realize their errors, they do nothing but hate on Kant, or perhaps even worse halfheartedly pick and choose and then pontificate on how Kant was wrong about this and that. They, 110-130 IQ midwits, think they can compare to this genius of a man. "Well given the attitudes at the time"....."in his day"..."clearly, he was wrong here"......."well of course it would seem extreme to us"................"clearly racist remarks concerning"........................ etc. The so-called Kantians in mainstream Academia are a disgrace and do a major disservice to the brilliancy of that once in a thousand-year man. I used to dislike Kant considerably on the above, flawed appraisals acting only on what I learned from a brief page or two in a text book and a professors insipid remark. It was not until years later when I picked his first critique and a book on some of his lectures. What I found was beyond fascinating, and instilled such a radical change in outlook that it was nearly a religious experience. Even his trivial commentary on phenomenon like earth quakes show such a curious, unique and sagacious mind.

The inverse is true: Kant is criminally underrated, and I would go so far to say that the real Kant, is virtually unknown.

>> No.12246129 [View]
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>> No.11971700 [View]
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Pic related.
Practice seminal retention (ie, celibacy no sex, no masturbation, chasteness of though, removal of sexually provocative images and literature from your enviroment) for maximum benefit.

>> No.11855169 [View]
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