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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.18994814 [View]
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>not talking about Mira is a decline in board culture

>> No.17746988 [View]
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>be jap writer
>hmm I've got a strong big male character, what shall I call him...
>Orson McBear, brilliant!
>hmm I have a super special inhumanely compassionate pure virgin seiso girl, what should I call her???
>Bianca White-Angel, brilliant!!!
>western audience goes apeshit and worships you for your incredible puns and double meanings forever

>> No.16635080 [View]
File: 245 KB, 512x512, 6afca8a538062ca3e1baef27ae58dfffaf7cae9749b4f8f3d9c23909303f14d4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That isn't your thought, it is received opinion that you have picked up from /pol/.
>I get all my ideas from the internet so you do too

>> No.16570399 [View]
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>> No.16556200 [View]
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>I am an artist

>> No.16458994 [View]
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So the favourite authors of this ostensibly gigabrained, three PhD having thot are fucking dosto, woolf and joyce?
That's like a master chef saying his favourite meal is a sugar packet.

>> No.16285679 [View]
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>stop feeling
>misinterpreting literally the easiest philosophy there is

>> No.16215589 [View]
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>INTP is an autistic retard
What a fucking surprise.

>> No.16210180 [View]
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>first year english
>just read the wikipedia page on IPA for the phonetics class
>remember all grammar without studying at all
>never show up to speaking class and ad lib my presentation
>literature classes all focus on public domain stuff that teachers print out for us
>steal my friend's essay that he sent to me for my opinion on it, change some shit to make it seem original
>this worked
>pass the year with no failing marks, 0 spent on books
>meanwhile the majority of my classmates spent like 300 on books we never read

>> No.16207790 [View]
File: 245 KB, 512x512, 6afca8a538062ca3e1baef27ae58dfffaf7cae9749b4f8f3d9c23909303f14d4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're all good at writing
>my brother almost got published

>> No.9041352 [View]
File: 245 KB, 512x512, 6afca8a538062ca3e1baef27ae58dfffaf7cae9749b4f8f3d9c23909303f14d4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most anime is Japanese, right?

You don't get to have an opinion nigger.

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