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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.4752683 [DELETED]  [View]
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Survey time, /lit/.

>How many books have you read this year
>What was the last thing you read, and what's your opinion of it?
>What are you currently reading, and what's your opinion?
>What are you going to read next, and why?
>Is there an amount of books read this year that you're shooting for?

>> No.3799516 [View]
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Let's have one of these again, shall we?

>What have you just read + x/10 rating
>What are you reading? How are you liking it so far?
>What are you planning to read? Why?

>> No.3760059 [View]
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Im looking for a book by a psychologist documenting his finding and theories about family psychology and the way family members interact with each other.

>The War at Home
Titled somthing like this ^

>> No.3206156 [View]
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Is there a website that recommends you books to read based on your preferences? Something like: you insert your favourite genres and/or books and the site shows your recommendations...

>> No.3069864 [DELETED]  [View]
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I have saved some money, and want to buy about 15 new book , so /lit/ I come here to ask for advice, wich books Should i buy? , also I'm a spanish natural person, so if there are some spanish books, it will be really fine. (I would like a little of everything I read all sort of books.

>> No.2997583 [SPOILER]  [DELETED]  [View]
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been debating which to buy (can only buy one book for now)
-american gods by neil gaiman
-carl jung's essay on synchronicity
-the book of chuang tzu

>> No.2946654 [DELETED]  [View]
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Here's the poll for this weeks choices.


>> No.2936043 [DELETED]  [View]
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R.I.P Bibliotik. Never forget.

>> No.2849569 [View]
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Thanks guys. Also, while in the philosophy section at BnN, I noticed all these books like, "Philosophy of The Big Bang Theory" and Philosophy of Dexter and Philo of House and shit like that. The Fuck??? Never seen any shit like that, I can only imagine those were some sort of sitcom tv show character studies of a 'more in depth' take on things. Does anyone actually read that shit???

>> No.2795073 [DELETED]  [View]
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Alright, guys, kinda need your help here;
since I have nothing better to do, I decided to try and read every book on my high school's recommended reading list for incoming freshmen this summer, because 1. there's only five books there, 2. I don't have anything better to do, and 3. I'll possibly benefit greatly from it.
The only book in it I recognize is "Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger, so I know that'll be the first one I'll be reading, but in what order should I do the rest based on quality?
Here's the rest of the books on the list:
"Tuesdays with Morrie" - Mitch Albom
"Matched" - Allyson Condie
"Divergent" - Veronica Roth
"Chocolate War" - Robert Cormier

>> No.2743277 [View]
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How can I get into reading? Not that I'm bad at reading or anything, I just can never really sit down and enjoy a book. I've always wanted to read some great philosophy or classics such at atlas shrugged, but I've never been able to just sit down and do it. What I mean is how can I learn to want to read/really enjoy reading? is it just something you're born with like enjoying a hobby?

>> No.2734712 [View]
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Hey there /lit/

I recently read hear about someone who improved his writing by copying books with exceptional prose by hand. I already heard about a writer who did this with 'The Great Gatsby', but I wanted to ask what other books are there, that have great prose and are worth using for that approache.

Also, I am a native German speaker. I have no problem in doing this with English books, but I feel that this is not really the most succesful way of doing it. What would you recommand, simply use the English books, or for example get a translation of 'The Great Gatsby'? I always feel that a translation kinda lowers the quality of a literary work though.

On the other hand, is anyone here who understands German and has read a german book with good prose? I have to admit, that when it comes to german literature, I mainly have read poetry.

>> No.2635241 [View]
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Is subvocalizing merely bad ? Do you subvocalize ?

I do, and I read 15 pages an hour..

>> No.2573290 [View]
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What do you guys usually prefer, hardcover or paperback?

>> No.2562317 [View]
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hey /lit/

I know we're not supposed to post for recommendations but I feel like the situation might merit this post.
I spent my last two years in a history program at university and it has really zapped my love of reading. I really want to get back into reading, but I don't know where to make my entrance. I'm more looking for stand alone books and not series, but if a series is good enough I will definitely dive in. Past books I have read and loved include: 1984, Into the Wild, A Night in the Lonesome October, Black Beauty, Life of Pi, The Five People You Meet In Heaven, The Catcher in the Rye, Of Mice and Men, Bastards and Boneheads, Call of the Wild, etc.

thanks for your help, I really appreciate it

>> No.2429955 [View]
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How many book do you read on average in a year?
how much space do you usually leave after finished one book, before you start another?

>> No.2350876 [View]
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Recommend me some good books, /lit/. I just like reading a good story. I've recently read The Elementary Particles (Atomised), Post Office, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and I'm just about to finish The Big Sleep. Next I'm planning on reading Waiting for Godot and Breakfast of Champions. After that however I'm kind of clueless. Any suggestions?

>> No.2332060 [View]
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[spoiler]Hi /lit/.

Just wondering if you had any recommendations of a novel i could read. Something you found that interesting and fun you couldn't put it down. And when you did, you couldn't wait picking it up again. When i walk through the bookstore i can't seem to find a book i am interested in. I can't even tell which are good and which are bad. I know no authors or publishers either. I need your help.</spoiler>

>> No.2322137 [View]
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What is the best book to show an ex that betrayed you and turned into a vapid cunt?

Maybe make her worry about losing me.

>> No.2296886 [View]
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Here's an excerpt from a story I'm writing. It takes place in the near future, modern society. I'm looking for criticisms on my writing style. Please be nice:

The day was unusually bright, given the occasion. People shuffled about in traditional black, some bearing others weight on their shoulders, most having difficulty carrying their own. As the age old song played in a minor key, the procession moved on one by one until all were present before the wooden box, behind which was another man in black, who gave a speech, a speech some had heard far too many times before. After him, a few people, those who had ties to the situation at hand, gave speeches, reminiscing, mostly, exclaiming the best they could of how far they had come. Some wept for this moment of passing, most didn’t, out of respect or indifference. Regardless of their emotions, nearly everyone present received their validation that day, their permission to continue about their lives. They were ready to move on, however difficult, for a higher power had deemed it so.
Diploma in hand, Dorian walked towards his aunt and uncle.

>> No.2288209 [View]
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I have two /lit/-related questions and I don't want to make two threads.

Is it possible to read a paperback and not ruin it? I just started reading Catch-22, I'm only about 5 chapters in and I already have shitloads of creasing down the left side of the front cover.

I love the Penguin Classics series. Among other things, having a bookshelf full of them looks all manner of lovely. If a book I'm interested in isn't included in the series, what are the chances of it being added soon? I don't really know how publishing works.

>> No.2278685 [DELETED]  [View]
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Got a nook for christmas from my family.

What are some sites to get free e-books?

>> No.2237350 [View]
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I need to write a dramatic monologue or a short story for my college coursework.

Any tips / ideas?

>> No.2226520 [View]
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Hello /lit/, I've wanted to become a writer after reading great fiction, You guys are the first I've shown this too. It is a small extract from the beginning of my prose. I hope you enjoy!

The loud ear splitting sound of police sirens filled my ears; I blinked, all around me were people in uniforms scurrying about, carrying equipment and gear. Struggling to focus on one thing in particular amongst the frenzied movement, I turned in a full circle amongst frantic surroundings. Smoke polluted the air as a group of men in yellow outfits tried to extinguish a red car ablaze in the distance. Fire engines, hospital gurneys covered the street; people swiftly passed me, some who wore visages of distress while others were completely calm, as if they dealt with situations like these all the time, everday even. Water from a nearby fire hose suddenly sprayed my side, and I abruptly realized how cold I was.
Then all at the same time a throbbing pain erupted from within me and everything suddenly began to ache. My head stung and scorched like an egg frying at high heat in boiling hot oil. I brought my hand to my face and suddenly a sensation of pure disgust rolled over me; deep crimson blood smothered my hand and droplets ran down my wrist, forming a puddle at my feet. Looking down at myself, I saw my clothes were crispy as if burnt and bruises covered my arms. Wrapping my arms around myself, I shuddered and walked towards the closest paramedic, hoping she’d answer some of the frustrating questions streaming around in my head like a hive frenzied bees.

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