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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.17105979 [View]
File: 121 KB, 809x1145, Holbein-erasmus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there no books or philosophers that argue against universities? I thought leftist infiltration was a contemporary disease, but apparently in the XVI century universities where already a bulwark of humanists and Protestants, until the point that the rector of the Sorbonne was a friend's of Calvin and even praised publically the new doctrine. Somehow universities have been a force of progressive thought trough all history. Why and what can be done?

>> No.16924950 [View]
File: 121 KB, 809x1145, 7534213577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post-modernism fucking sucks, and is one of the biggest detriment to 20th century (and sadly, contemporary) literature. The very principles of it
are based on fence-sitting and being deliberately obtuse. This is the especially the case when it comes to meta things.

Its like these fucking retards took the beautiful tradition of intertextuality and intratextuality, they took the author and raped it all into a pile of rape-cum, and then started circlejerking each other in order to produce so much bloodied, AIDS ridden semen that they now complete cover the whole literary criticism scene.

What I find the most infuriating aboute these inbred, decadent, arrongant, gout-ridden, degenerates is that they claim the great figures of literature as their own; they dare put their grimy, 6-fingered, limp-wristed hands on people like Cervantes.

Which one is it faggots?! Shall you mental retards claim to break off tradition and interpretation, or no?! if I could go back in time and kill Derrida, Focault and the rest, I would in a heartbeat.

>> No.16846488 [View]
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There's several for the people mentioned here: Diogenes Laertius, Proclus and Olympidorus all wrote works dedicated to the life of Plato. There's also Guhrauer's biography of Leibniz if you're interested in that, and who knows, maybe you'll get to rescue one of his colleagues from obscurity and shill them here.

>> No.16773829 [View]
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What would an ideal curriculum of Classics look like? Assume the student knows Latin and Greek.

>> No.16478030 [View]
File: 121 KB, 809x1145, Holbein-erasmus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erasmus. Protestantfags BTFO

>> No.15733962 [View]
File: 121 KB, 809x1145, erasmo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After browsing /his/ for a while, I have reached the conclusion that discussions in internet forums are useless. You cannot convince anyone and nobody convinces you. If you have an aggressive writing style it doesn't work any better than being condescending and polite until the point that you cannot continue. Furthermore, my experience has demonstrated me the absolute failure of the postmodern discourse where everyone has different opinions and sharing them we reach a common understanding, this is absolute bullshit. Machiavelli was right, being right isn't only about being right on the assumptions, but also having the material righteousness to impose your thoughts to others. I think you should do the same as me and leave 4chan forever, it has been a good time but this is pointless. In the end, what debates have created is just a spectacle that exalts mediocrity, since the masses are the ones who catalog when some poster is right trough the labels "based!" "this" "cringe", and the dominant discourse wins over everything. You should do the same as me and leave 4chan forever, devote to literature, and reject discussions because they are the tool of sophists and mediocrity to win over truth and facts.

>> No.14147472 [View]
File: 121 KB, 809x1145, Holbein-erasmus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else hated reading and found it as a pointless hobby until they started to shitpost on / lit / .

>> No.12325627 [View]
File: 121 KB, 809x1145, Erasmus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9156650 [View]
File: 122 KB, 809x1145, Holbein-erasmus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about Erasmus of Rotterdam?

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