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>> No.15140698 [View]
File: 658 KB, 1021x767, doorbell1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's both of the last two. A functioning republic/democracy (fundamentally the same thing) IS an Oligarchy.

You just have a really bad definition of what the word "functioning" means. What exactly do you think it means for a state to be functional?

To function as intended? Welcome to Plato's Republic Moth, it's an oligarchy with pressure release valves. That's all any form of democracy has ever been. You let a small group of high-Q people come up with a set of options for the political future of the country, and then they have a popularity contest to see whose idea gets implemented.

There are no exceptions to this rule, except maybe hardcore ultranationalist populism which is literally just a longer way of saying Fascism. If you actually give direct democracy to the people with no intermediaries, they're going to vote to hang all of the Jews and minorities and then vote for infinite largess from the public till. Period. Give me a counterexample.

>> No.14937392 [View]
File: 658 KB, 1021x767, doorbell1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, reminder that the people who tell you you'll be allowed to keep your toothbrush because it isn't private property worship a guy who starved his own children to death because he was too lazy to get a job.

It's really the perfect microcosm of left-wing thought. They dress it up in fluffy language about equality, egalitarianism, liberty, but in the end you can always tell that they really just want free shit, because it's how they act. It's not about helping the poor, it's always either about helping themselves or hurting people who have more than them.

It's a religion of envy. This is why they kill their own children in the womb with pliers, as well, even the idea of feeding their own children at their expense angers them. Just like Marx. It pleases me enormously to imagine your seething rage, Leftists, that you will never be allowed to steal from me. Your efforts have failed so utterly that the modern idea of "Left-Wing" would have been considered far right in Bismarck's Germany.

There is something hysterical to it. The greatest victory of "The Left" in the last 20 years has been convincing people to pretend that homosexuals can get married, which is a hyper-liberal (and thus Capitalist) doctrine. The revolution was televised, because we won.

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