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>> No.22072657 [View]
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>In the moral sense I'm pretty comfortable seeing my fan fiction as my own.

>So what is the version of Arthurian legend that you like and respect?
Sauce: https://www.britannica.com/topic/King-Arthur
"Assumptions that a historical Arthur led Welsh resistance to the West Saxon advance from the middle Thames are based on a conflation of two early writers, the religious polemicist Gildas and the historian Nennius, and on the Annales Cambriae of the late 10th century. The 9th-century Historia Brittonum, traditionally attributed to Nennius, records 12 battles fought by Arthur against the Saxons, culminating in a victory at Mons Badonicus. The Arthurian section of this work, however, is from an undetermined source, possibly a poetic text."
I like that he was an actual person and i blame Welsh sheep fuckers for an early form of appropriation aka fanfiction.
"Early Welsh literature quickly made Arthur into a king of wonders and marvels. The 12th-century prose romance Culhwch and Olwen associated him with other heroes, and this conception of a heroic band with Arthur at its head doubtless led to the idea of Arthur’s court."
>But that's not what most fan fiction does, or why it's written!
The Welsh beg to differ.
Because it would requite a penis interface and thus be no longer YA accessible.

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